(a)   R-16 or R-10 Districts. A proposed Subdivision of a parcel of land along an existing Public Street in any R-16 or R-10 Zoning District, not involving the opening, widening or extension of any street, road or access point and involving a tract of land from which no more than five Lots can be created after the original tract has been completely subdivided may be submitted to the Municipal Planning Commission for approval without Plat. If the commission is satisfied that such proposed Subdivision complies with applicable Zoning requirements, it may direct the Director of Planning and Building to stamp conveyances for Lots within the Subdivision "Approved by Municipal Planning Commission, No Plat Required." The Commission may also establish reasonable necessary procedures and requirements to be met by the owner desiring to subdivide property pursuant to this section.
   (b)   Districts Other Then R-10 and R-16. A proposed Subdivision of a parcel of land along an existing Public Street in all districts other than R-10 and R-16, not involving the opening, widening or extension of any street, road or access point and involving a tract of land from which no more than five Lots can be created after the tract has been completely subdivided, may be submitted to the Municipal Planning Commission for approval without Plat. If the Commission is satisfied that such proposed Subdivision complies with applicable Zoning requirements, it shall recommend to Council approval, approval with modification or disapproval of such request for Subdivision without Plat. Council may either accept or reject such request by resolution. If Council elects to approve the Subdivision, it shall authorize the Director of Planning and Building to stamp the conveyance of such parcel "Approved by City Council; No Plat Required". The Commission and/or Council may establish reasonable necessary procedures and requirements to be met by the owner desiring to subdivide property pursuant to this section.
   (c)   Filing Fee. Each application submitted and processed pursuant to this section shall be accompanied by a filing fee of fifty dollars ($50.00).
(Ord. 09-2013. Passed 4-15-13.)