No land, building or structure in any commercial district shall be used in any way whatsoever for the promotion of the opening, reopening, anniversary, special event or ordinary business operation of any retail establishment in any commercial district, which promotional devices are intended to attract attention and tend to create an undue amount of noise and confusion and add to the traffic hazards in the City. It is the intention of this section to exclude, among other things, circus and carnival attractions, the flying of any advertising balloon at a height of more than twenty feet, the operation of any beacon, signaling light, spotlight or other similar promotional device, unless or until a permit for the display or operation of such promotional device shall have been obtained from the Director of Safety and the Chief of Police, who shall issue such permit only if it is found that the proposed use of such promotional device will not create an undue amount of noise, confusion and congestion and will not adversely affect the circulation and flow of traffic or be injurious, obnoxious, offensive or detrimental to the neighborhood.
(Ord. 66-70. Passed 8-3-70.)