A.   Generally: The superintendent of public works shall have supervision over all buildings and equipment used in the furnishing of water and sewerage in the village and shall see that the object and purposes of the water and sewer department are carried out, and that the waterworks and sewerage system is conducted on an economical, businesslike basis, and for this purpose it shall be the duty of the superintendent of public works and all of the officers, employees and servants of said department to enforce all the provisions of this chapter and to observe and obey and carry out the orders and directions of the village board. He shall prepare and keep in his office a complete atlas of the waterworks and sewerage system with all valves and hydrants, water service connections and other appurtenances distinctly recorded therein. (1970 Code §33.3)
   B.   Monthly Report: The superintendent of public works shall, upon the first of each and every month, or more often if required, submit a report in writing to the president and board of trustees of all monies collected by him, the account wherein collected, and of any and all matters connected with his office. (1970 Code §33.4)
   C.   Books Of Accounts: The superintendent of public works shall keep or cause to be kept, full and complete books of accounts, showing in detail monies received by him, with dates and sources, and all matters pertaining to his office in a clear and methodical manner. He shall also keep such books as the president and board of trustees may from time to time direct. All such books, accounts and papers pertaining to said office shall, at all times, be open to the inspection of the president of the village, any member of the board of trustees or any committee thereof. (1970 Code §33.5)
   D.   Pay Over Monies: The superintendent of public works shall, monthly and more often if required by the president and board of trustees, pay over to the village treasurer all monies collected by him from any source whatever, taking such treasurer's receipt in duplicate therefor, one of which receipts he shall file immediately with the village collector. He is expressly prohibited from keeping the monies of the village in his hands, or in the hands of any person or corporation to his use, beyond the time which may be prescribed for the payment of same to the village treasurer, and any violation of this provision shall subject him to removal from office. (1970 Code §33.6)
   E.   Other Duties: The superintendent of public works, or such officer or employee of the department as he shall direct, shall read water meters, collect the water rates, issue water permits and shall perform such other duties as now are or may hereafter be imposed upon him by law or the ordinances of the village. (1970 Code §33.7)