A.   No unit in any condominium converted, remodeled, refurbished or upgraded in any manner after the effective date of this chapter may be sold, offered for sale "as is", transferred or occupied unless a certificate of code compliance has been issued by the building commissioner stating that said condominium unit complies with the conversion element provisions of this chapter and the village's other applicable zoning and building requirements.
   B.   A developer intending to convert property to a condominium development and/or offer an existing apartment for sale as a proposed condominium unit shall file with the building commissioner a written notice of intent to convert. The written notice shall include, but is not limited to:
      1.   A current survey of the subject property;
      2.   The property's address and a description of the subject units;
      3.   Names, addresses and telephone numbers of any developers, architects and/or contractors involved with the project;
      4.   "As built" drawings and a site development plan certified by a registered architect and containing details of implementation, including, but not limited to, phases of renovation, sales and occupancy;
      5.   Any such other information regarding the condition of proposed development of the property as the building commissioner shall reasonably request.
   C.   A code inspection of the property, including all projected condominium units and common elements and facilities, shall be scheduled by agreement between the developer and the building commissioner when the notice of intent to convert is received. The inspection shall include compliance with all applicable zoning, building and/or other life safety codes and an evaluation of interior common areas to determine the amount of work required, if any, to bring these areas into compliance with village codes. All items identified as requiring repair and/or replacement shall be completed by the property owner or developer prior to submitting the subject property to the provisions of the condominium property act of Illinois 1 .
   D.   The building commissioner shall issue a written code inspection report after any inspection or reinspection and immediately mail a copy to the applicant at the address provided. The inspection fee for each inspection and/or any reinspection shall be one hundred fifty dollars ($150.00) per unit.
   E.   No certificate of code compliance shall be issued, no sale of a unit shall be made, and no condominium plat approved where the requirements of any village ordinance pertaining to zoning, building or subdivision are not being complied with for the property being converted.
   F.   The village's issuance of a certificate of code compliance shall not be deemed a finding that the village has in any way approved the condominium project or guaranteed the subject property's condition or suitability or fitness for the purpose for which the property is being sold or transferred. (Ord. 07-11, 5-1-2007)



1. 765 ILCS 605/1 et seq.