A sale or offering for sale to the highest bidder of any gold, silver, plated ware, precious stones, watches, clocks or jewelry in any building or in any of the streets, or in any other public place where any or all persons who choose are permitted to attend or offer bids, shall be deemed to constitute a "public auction" within the meaning of this chapter.
   "Stock on hand" means such gold, silver, plated ware, precious stones, watches, clocks or jewelry which a merchant usually or ordinarily carries throughout the year, and does not include gold, silver, plated ware, precious stones, watches, clocks or jewelry purchased or otherwise acquired especially and purposely for sale at public auction.
   "Fill-in" means such other gold, silver, plated ware, precious stones, watches, clocks or jewelry as may be added to the stock on hand as above defined and intended to be sold at public auction. (1950 Code, p.97. )