(a)   Whenever any person is bitten by a dog or other animal, report of such bite shall be made to the Health Commissioner within twenty-four hours. The dog or other animal inflicting a bite shall immediately be examined by a qualified veterinarian and results of such examination shall be reported to the Health Commission within twenty-four hours. At the direction of the Health Commissioner, the dog or other animal shall either be confined by its owner or harborer to his premises away from the public at large, or be placed under supervision of a veterinarian at the owner's or harborer's expense. The isolation or observation period shall not be less than ten days from the date the person was bitten at which time report of the condition of the animal shall be made to the Health Commissioner.
   No person shall fail to comply with the requirements of this section or with any order of the Health Commissioner made pursuant thereto, nor fail to immediately report to the Health Commissioner any symptom or behavior suggestive of rabies.
   (b)   Every physician shall, within twelve hours after his first professional attendance upon any person bitten by a dog or other animal, report to the police, Health Commissioner or County Humane Society, the name, age, sex, race and precise location of the person so bitten.
When a physician is not in attendance of a person bitten by an animal, then any person in charge of or in control of or responsible for the person bitten shall report the incident to the police, Health Commissioner or County Humane Society and provide the same information as set out in the paragraph above.
   (c)   All animal bites shall also be reported to the Police Department or an Animal Control Officer for investigation of the circumstances surrounding the inflicting of the bite. All reports made shall be forwarded to the County Humane Society for a determination of whether the animal inflicting the bite is a dangerous or vicious animal as defined under Section 505.14. If it is determined that the animal is a dangerous or vicious animal, the owner or harborer of the animal shall be notified of that finding and shall comply with Section 505.14.
   (d)   Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
(Ord. 1988-31. Passed 12-5-88.)