(a)   A police officer or Animal Control Officer may impound every animal or dog found in violation of Section 505.01. If the dog is not wearing a valid registration tag and the owner is not otherwise reasonably determined, notice shall be posted at the animal shelter both describing the animal or dog and place where seized and advising the unknown owner that unless the animal or dog is redeemed within three days, it may thereafter be sold or destroyed according to law. If the dog is wearing a valid registration tag or the identity of the owner, keeper or harborer is otherwise reasonably determined, notice shall be given by personal contact or certified mail to such owner, keeper or harborer that the dog has been impounded and unless redeemed within fourteen days of the date of notice, it may thereafter be sold or destroyed according to law. Any dog seized and impounded may be redeemed by its owner, keeper or harborer at any time prior to the applicable redemption period upon payment of all lawful costs assessed against the animal or dog and upon providing the dog with a valid registration tag if it has none.
   (b)   A record of all animals or dogs impounded, the disposition of the same, the owner's name and address where known and a statement of any costs assessed against the dog shall be kept by the Humane Society.
(Ord. 1988-31. Passed 12-5-88.)