(a)    The approval of travel vouchers by those persons authorized in Section 165.01 shall constitute their certification of the propriety of all expenses listed as actually necessary in the performance of travel on official City business.
   (b)   Officers and employees shall submit their requests for permission, claims for reimbursement, reports and other information required by this chapter in the manner and on the forms prescribed by the Director of Finance.
   (c)   All requests for reimbursement for expenses over ten dollars ($10.00) shall be accompanied by a receipt.
   (d)   Any expense items under ten dollars ($10.00) for which a receipt was not received may be reimbursed if accompanied by a notarized affidavit.
   (e)   A receipt or affidavit is not required for reimbursement for mileage.
(Ord. 1987-15. Passed 2-17-87.)