(a) Purpose. The probationary period shall be regarded as an integral part of the examination process and shall be used for closely observing the employee's work, for securing the most effective adjustment of a new employee to a new job and for dismissing any employee whose performance does not meet required work standards.
(b) Probation. Permanent original appointments to the classified service, except classified service with the Division of Police, shall serve a one year probationary period from the date of such appointment. For permanent original appointments to the classified service in the Division of Police, a probationary period shall begin the first day of employment and end one year following the first day of field training. A probationer may be discharged without cause at any time within the probationary year.
All permanent promotional appointments in the classified service shall serve a probationary period of one year from the date of such promotion. If during that period the service of the employee so appointed is not satisfactory, the employee may be reduced to the position from which the promotion was made.
No permanent appointment or promotion shall be deemed final until the appointee has satisfactorily served the probationary period.
(c) Probation Reports. All classified employees shall be evaluated in writing during their probationary period. The employee's supervisor shall prepare and transmit to the Director of Administration an evaluation of the performance of the probationary employee upon a form approved by Council. A probationary employee, upon request, shall be entitled to a copy of such evaluation.
For original permanent appointees, a report shall be completed quarterly after the commencement of the probationary period, with the final report completed five days prior to the expiration of the probationary period. Promotional appointees shall be evaluated ten days prior to the expiration of their probationary period.
(d) Absence During Probationary Period. Whenever a probationary employee is granted a leave of absence, sick leave or is laid off, suspended for discipline purposes, or is otherwise absent from work, the length of the probationary period shall be extended the length of such absence. Upon return to duty following such absence, such employee shall be required to service the unexpired portion of the probationary period.
(Ord. 2017-26. Passed 9-18-17.)