Any report, resolution, ordinance or matter before Council for consideration may, before final passage be referred either to the standing committee to which the subject matter is most closely related or to a committee specially appointed by the President of Council. Any such committee shall consider the matter thus referred to it and report thereon to Council without unnecessary delay.
   When a motion is made for reference on any subject to a standing committee, and it is moved to substitute a select committee instead, the question of reference to a standing committee shall be put first.
   Legislation before Council which has been laid on the table, postponed indefinitely or referred to Council committee shall be automatically terminated and considered discharged at the adjournment of the twentieth regular Council meeting after the date on which such legislation was laid on the table, postponed indefinitely or referred to Council committee, unless, prior to that adjournment, such legislation before Council is postponed to a date certain. (Ord. 1993-14. Passed 4-5-93.)