(a)   Application Processing Fee. For processing the Designated Application the City may charge a fee for each small cell facility and wireless support structure requested as prescribed under section 4939.0316 of the Ohio Revised Code.
   (b)   Annual Collocation Fee. For reimbursement for Operator's attachment of small cell facilities to wireless support structures owned by the City and located in the public way, the City may charge an annual fee as prescribed under 4939.322 of the Ohio Revised Code.
   (c)   Work Permit Fee. The fee for this permit is established by the City of Wooster Schedule of Fees and Charges.
   (d)   The Director of Administration shall impose reasonable requirements for bonds, escrow deposits, letters or credit or any other type of financial surety he/she deems adequate, to ensure removal of abandoned or unused wireless facilities or damage to municipal property caused by an Operator or its agent.
   (e)   Tax liabilities and assessments not applicable. Placement of small cell facilities in the public way or collocation of small cell facilities to a wireless support structure and any fees associated therewith shall not subject a municipal corporation to any state or local tax liabilities or assessments.
(Ord. 2018-013. Passed 7-2-18.)