(a)   Every driver of a taxicab which operates in the City must possess a valid taxicab driver's license issued by the Director in accordance with this chapter.
   (b)   Every applicant for a taxi driver's license shall pay to the Director a license fee in accordance with the schedule of fees established by the Director at the time the original or renewal application is filed.
   (c)   Upon verification that the applicant has paid the necessary license fee and meets all requirements of this chapter, the Director shall issue a taxi driver's license, which shall include a photograph of the licensee. Such license will be valid for a period of one (1) year, and must be renewed annually.
   (d)   Every applicant for a taxi driver's license must present acceptable proof to the Director that s/he meets the following license requirements before a license may be issued, and s/he must continue to meet these requirements in order for any license issued to remain valid:
      (1)   At least eighteen (18) years of age;
      (2)   Possess a valid Ohio motor vehicle operator's license;
      (3)    Have no more than six points on his/her driver's record as established by Ohio R.C. 4507.40;
      (4)   Have no convictions for a disqualifying offense as outlined in Ohio Administrative Code, Section 5160-45-11 (Medicaid Administered Programs) or a conviction of driving while under the influence of alcohol and/or a controlled substance during the past six years, as determined by submitting, at the applicant's expense, fingerprints for an FBI (federal) and BCl (civilian) criminal records check completed by the Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation (BCI).
         (Ord. 2019-27. Passed 12-2-19.)