Unless otherwise expressly stated, when used in this chapter the following terms shall have the meanings provided in this section:
   (a)   "City" shall mean the City of Wooster, Ohio.
   (b)   "Director" shall mean the Director of Administration of the City of Wooster or his/her designee.
   (c)   "Street" means any public street, alley or public way within the corporate limits of the City of Wooster.
   (d)   "Taxicab company" means every corporation, company, association, joint stock association, person, firm or partnership, their lessees, trustees, receivers or trustees appointed by any court, owning, controlling, operating, maintaining or managing three or more taxicabs within the City of Wooster.
   (e)   "Taxi" or "Taxicab" means any motor driven vehicle engaged in the business of carrying passengers for hire or fare or offered for hire or fare (including the solicitation or acceptance of donations) to the public for transportation, operating within the City of Wooster, except motor buses on regular schedules and other regularly established routes.
   (f)   "Taxi driver" means any person who drives or operates a taxicab for hire or fare and who is in actual physical control of a taxicab on the streets of the City of Wooster.
   (g)   "Taxicab stand" means any portion of the street and curb space set apart for and designated as space for the standing of taxicabs in conformity with provisions of this chapter.
      (Ord. 2019-27. Passed 12-2-19.)