The Ohio Building Code adopted in Section 1303.01 shall be modified by the adoption of the following provisions set forth herein:
(a) The fees for examination of plans and specifications, permits and inspections of new buildings or structures, or alterations or changes of use thereof, additions or preparation for placement of industrialized units required to be submitted to the Division of Building Standards for approval under Chapter 4101:1 of the Ohio Administrative Code shall be determined by the Division of Building Standards in accordance with the Schedule of Fees set forth in Chapter 1349.
(b) Any person, firm, corporation or the agent thereof who is found to have violated the requirements of permit issuance as a prerequisite to any erection, construction, alteration or repair of any structure within the jurisdiction of this chapter shall be required to obtain the necessary permit. In that event, the fee for such permit shall be twice the amount determined in accordance with the Schedule of Fees. Such double fee shall be in addition to any other penalties provided by law.
(Ord. 2005-35. Passed 12-5-05.)