1505.09 FIRE LANES.
The Fire Chief or his designee may require and designate public or private fire lanes as deemed necessary for the efficient and effective use of fire apparatus and equipment.
A list of all designated fire lanes shall be kept in the Police and Fire Divisions.
Designated fire lanes shall be maintained free of obstructions and vehicles and marked in a manner prescribed by the fire official.
(a) All fire lanes shall be marked with a sign that is visible to the public with the words "No Parking Fire Lane".
(b) Public fire lanes to be posted by the City at the City's expense.
(c) Private fire lanes to be posted by the owner at the owner's expense.
Police officers or the Fire Chief or his designee are authorized to ticket or provide for the removal and impounding of a vehicle or obstruction of a fire lane.
Anyone who violates by parking in or obstructing a fire lane is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
(Ord. 1990-14. Passed 4-2-90 )