1501.12 PERMITS.
   (a)   Initial Permits. Permits which are required within the City by this Code, shall be issued for an indefinite period of time, except that when the activity to be permitted is by its nature a singular or limited occurrence, such permit shall state the lesser period for which it is issued. No permit shall be issued until compliance with this Code is met. All permits expire when any of the following occurs:
      (1)    Change of occupant;
      (2)    Change of location; or
      (3)    Change of occupancy.
    (b)   Definitions.
       (1)    "Occupant" means a person, business, company or corporation, firm, etc. that takes possession or occupies a building, space within a building or its premises.
       (2)    "Occupancy" means the purpose for which a building or part thereof is used or intended to be used.
   (c)   Permit Fees. The Bureau of Fire Prevention shall collect a permit fee in accordance with the Schedule of Fees and Charges before issuing a permit that is required by this Code.
(Ord. 2004-7. Passed 4-5-04.) 
   (d)    Exemption of Fees. No fee shall be charged any religious, charitable, civic or fraternal organization for a permit provided that all provisions of this Code are met.
   (e)    Posting of a Permit. All permits shall be posted on the premises in a conspicuous place. Anyone not posting the permit is subject to revocation and a new permit shall be acquired.
   (f)    Revocation of Permits. Permits which are issued for an indefinite period of time shall be subject to revocation by the Bureau of Fire Prevention when the holder of such permit is in violation of any provision of this Fire Prevention Code.
(Ord. 1981-48. Passed 11-2-81.)