Any person who desires to move a building shall file with the Division of Building Standards a written application, setting forth the kind of building to be moved, its original cost, its dimensions, its extreme height and width, its present location and the particular lot or side to which it is proposed to be moved. The Division may thereupon issue a permit, designating the particular streets along which the move shall be made and the length of time allowed for the moving. The move shall be under the direction of the Division.
   If pavements are removed, they shall be immediately replaced by the mover to as good a condition as they were before being removed, and be replaced under the direction of the Division. Any mover, when moving a building or other structure on the paved streets of the City, shall cause planks to be laid upon which wheels, trucks or rollers used in moving the building or structure shall be placed. The planks shall be used as tracks upon which the wheels, trucks or rollers shall be used. Such planks shall be at least twelve inches in width and two inches in thickness. Planking shall not be required where moving is made upon pneumatically wheeled carriers spaced in a manner to sufficiently distribute the weight without street damage and approved by the Division of Building Standards. Metal tracks or cleats shall not be permitted in contact with the street surface. Any damages to City facilities shall be repaired at the mover's expense.
(Ord. 1980-7. Passed 1-21-80.)