(a) All cash received at the Hospital will be deposited intact, within twenty-four hours of receipt thereof, to a bank account designated by the Director of Finance.
(b) The Vice-President of Fiscal Services will provide security for transporting the daily cash deposit from the Hospital to the designated bank and return to the Hospital.
(c) The Vice-President of Fiscal Services will have primary responsibility for the timely application of all cash receipts to the appropriate accounts receivable.
(d) The Vice-President of Fiscal Services shall furnish the Director of Finance with all necessary data to reflect the receipt of Hospital cash in the fund accounting records of the City.
(e) It will be the responsibility of the Director of Finance to furnish the Vice-President of Fiscal Services, on a timely basis, with the data necessary to reflect in the Hospital’s accounting records the receipts, by the Finance Director, of cash designated for a Hospital fund.
(Ord. 2006-04. Passed 3-20-06; Ord. 2021-04. Passed 1-19-21.)