943.01 GENERAL.
(a) In accordance with Section 10.02 of the Charter, the Municipal Hospital shall be operated, managed, and controlled by a Board of Governors comprised of six members consisting of the Mayor, who by virtue of his office shall be its Chairperson, and five electors of the City, at least one of whom shall be a doctor of medicine, to be appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the Council each for a term of four years. In accordance with Section 4.06 of the Charter, appointments to the Wooster Community Hospital Board of Governors are specifically exempted from any limit on the number of years they may serve. A vacancy in the office of any appointed member shall be filled in like manner for the unexpired term of such office.
(b) The Hospital Chief Executive Officer, (also known as the chief administrative officer), shall report to the Board of Governors on all matters concerning Hospital operation.
(c) The Vice President of Fiscal Services, as the chief fiscal officer of the Wooster Community Hospital, shall, with respect to the Hospital, perform the functions and duties required of the chief financial officer of the Hospital and collaborate with the Director of Finance of the City pursuant to duties and functions as specified in pursuant to Section 4.04 of the Charter, and oversee the custody and investment of Hospital funds, including funds donated to the Hospital.
The Vice President of Fiscal Services will be selected by a group consisting of the Mayor or his or her designee, the Hospital Chief Executive Officer, the Vice-Chair of the Board of Governors, and the Finance Director. In the case of a tie in the selection process, the vote of the Mayor or his or her designee shall be considered as the tie-breaking vote. The Vice President of Fiscal Services and the Board of Governors shall submit the Hospital portions of each City annual budget and appropriation ordinance, prepared pursuant to Article VI of the Charter, which concern the Hospital.
(d) The person designated as the Vice-President of Fiscal Services (also known as the chief financial officer or CFO) shall, before undertaking his duties first give bond in such amount as may be established by Wooster City Council, the cost of which shall be paid from the Hospital Fund.
(e) The Wooster City Council shall provide for professional liability insurance for both the Director of Finance and the Vice-President of Fiscal Services, to be paid from the General Fund and the Hospital Fund, respectively.
(f) The Director of Finance or his/her designee shall receive and disburse all funds of Wooster Community Hospital and such other funds as arise or belong to any department or part thereof.
(g) No later than the first Monday in February of each year, the Hospital Board of Governors shall make a report to Wooster City Council of its proceedings, with a detailed statement of its receipts and expenditures during the year. The Board shall also, at the proper time, submit to Council a detailed estimate of the amount necessary to maintain and improve the hospital for the ensuing year.
(Ord. 2011-02. Passed 2-7-11; Ord. 2021-04. Passed 1-19-21.)