The extraction, storage and processing of minerals shall be conducted in accordance with the following requirements:
(a) Extraction, storage and processing of minerals of all types shall be permitted in districts as specified in the use regulations of Chapter 1113.
(b) All additions to existing mineral processing plants and new mineral processing plants shall employ recognized equipment of the industry in question to minimize objectionable elements or conditions adversely affecting the surrounding properties. Operations of the equipment shall comply with the standards promulgated by the industry.
(c) Other mineral extraction and processing in an M-2 District shall not be constructed closer than 500 feet from any existing residence or any A-R or R District so zoned prior to the establishment of the adjacent M-2 District, nor closer than 200 feet from any structure used for human occupancy in any district.
(d) A stone or earthen barrier, wall or fence shall be erected to encompass extraction operations and serve as a screen and mode of protection for the public. Earthen barriers should be placed with grass, ground cover or other plantings.
(e) Buildings and structures for which no future use is contemplated and for which no other acceptable use is practicable or feasible shall be demolished and removed within one year of their becoming vacant.
(f) At the time of a request for rezoning for mineral extraction purposes the operator shall file with the Zoning Inspector a detailed map of at least 200 feet to the inch scale, which clearly shows areas to be mined and the location of adjacent properties, roads and natural features. The operator shall submit information on the anticipated depth of excavations and on depth and probable effect on the existing water table.
(Ord. 13-87. Passed 7-27-87; Ord. 29-01. Passed 8-20-01.)