(a) Parking and Storing of Recreational and Utility Equipment. Any owner of recreational and utility equipment may park or store such equipment on single-family residential property subject to the following conditions:
(1) Recreational and utility equipment parked or stored shall be owned by the occupant of the residence, shall not have fixed connections to electricity, water, gas or sanitary sewer facilities, and at no time shall this equipment be used for living or housekeeping purposes or any business conducted in connection therewith while such equipment is stored or parked.
(2) If the recreational or utility equipment is stored outside of a building it shall be located in the driveway, interior side yard, or rear yard and meet a minimum of thirty (30) feet front setback, three (3) feet interior side yard setback and three (3) feet rear yard setback and no closer to the public street right-of-way in an exterior side yard than the principal structure. The minimum required off-street parking spaces for automobiles must also be maintained on the residential lot while the recreational or utility equipment is stored outside.
A. In the months of May, June, July, August, September, and October recreational or utility equipment may be temporarily parked in the driveway outside of a building and out of the public right-of-way (without meeting district setback and minimum off-street parking space requirements) for no more than seven (7) consecutive days to allow preparation for use and unpacking and cleaning after use. At least twenty-four (24) hours off-premises is required before starting seven (7) days of temporary parking on-premises.
B. On one lot, there shall be no more than two (2) pieces of recreational or utility equipment either stored or parked outside at any time.
(3) Notwithstanding the provisions in subsection (a)(2) hereof, recreational and utility equipment may be parked anywhere on the premises for loading or unloading purposes for a period of not more than seventy-two (72) hours at any time during the year. At least twenty-four (24) hours off-premises are required before starting any on-premises loading or unloading. The Zoning Inspector may grant an extension of time.
(4) All recreational and utility equipment must be kept in good repair as determined by the Zoning Inspector.
(Ord. 29-2013. Passed 1-13-14.)
(Ord. 29-2013. Passed 1-13-14.)
(b) Parking and Storage of Mobile Homes. Parking of a mobile home outside a mobile home park in any residential district for seventy-two hours or a longer period of time shall be prohibited. Mobile homes may be stored in an enclosed garage or other accessory building, provided that in all cases no living quarter shall be maintained or any business conducted in connection therewith while such trailer is stored or parked. The parking of a mobile home for less than seventy-two hours outside of an enclosed garage or another accessory building shall be permissible only after the Zoning Inspector has been notified of such intention.
(Ord. 13-87. Passed 7-27-87.)