(a) No building or structure shall be located, erected, constructed, reconstructed, enlarged or structurally altered except in conformity with the area, height and yard regulations of the district in which such building or structure is located.
(b) No building, structure or lot shall be used for any purpose other than that which is permitted in the district in which such building, structure or lot is located.
(c) No yard or other open space existing about any building or structure shall be so reduced in area or dimension as to make it less than the minimum required by this Zoning Ordinance.
(d) No lot held under one ownership at the time of the effective date of this Zoning Ordinance shall be reduced or subdivided in any manner below the minimum area and yard provisions required by this Zoning Ordinance.
(e) Every building hereafter erected or structurally altered shall be located on a lot as herein defined and in no case shall there be more than one main building on one lot except as specifically provided hereinafter.
(Ord. 13-87. Passed 7-27-87.)
(f) Manufactured Home (permanently sited) and Condominium residential buildings can be located on a single lot under common ownership if required yard/building setback for the district are maintained.
(g) (1) Prior to beginning construction for any individual residential and/or commercial lot development(s), the proposed location and elevation of main building(s), and all proposed finished ground elevations associated with the lot(s) proposed for improvement, shall be field staked by a qualified engineer or surveyor, based on the approved development plans and specifications for the lot(s) on which the improvement is proposed.
(2) Upon completion of pre-construction staking, a pre-construction staking plan drawing of the lot(s) shall be provided to the zoning inspector with certification from the engineer or surveyor indicating that the proposed location and elevation of the main building(s), and all proposed finished ground elevations have been field staked in compliance with the approved development plans and specifications prior to beginning construction. The pre-construction staking plan drawing shall also include a signed statement of acceptance from the builder or general contractor for the development, acknowledging that pre-construction staking was satisfactorily completed prior to beginning construction.
(3) All pre-construction staking documentation/drawings provided to the zoning inspector shall be placed on file with the zoning permit for the development.
(4) The cost of all preconstruction staking, documentation/drawings and applicable permits shall be the sole responsibility of the owner of the lot or proposed development.
(Ord. 27-2002. Passed 10-7-02.)
(h) Exceptions to these regulations in specific cases may be authorized by the Board of Zoning Appeals where there are practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships in carrying out the strict letter of this Zoning Ordinance, providing such exception is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance, and in accordance with the procedures and provisions specified in Chapter 1159. Hardship shall be based on physical limitations of the land or structures and does not encompass financial considerations.
(Ord. 29-2001. Passed 8-20-01.)
(i) (1) Upon completion of foundation construction for any proposed building(s), and prior to the beginning of ground floor building construction, preliminary lot grading shall be completed to within six (6) inches of proposed finished ground elevations based on the approved development plans and specifications and the pre-construction staking plan drawing. Upon the completion of preliminary lot grading, an “as-built” drawing of the lot(s) shall be provided to the zoning inspector with certification from the engineer or surveyor indicating both the proposed and as-built location and elevation of the main building(s), and both the proposed and as-built finished ground elevations.
(2) All as-built documentation/drawings provided to the zoning inspector shall be placed on file with the zoning permit for the development.
(3) The cost of all as-built documentation/drawings and applicable permits shall be the sole responsibility of the owner of the lot or proposed development.
(Ord. 27-2002. Passed 10-7-02.)
(Ord. 27-2002. Passed 10-7-02.)