(a)   For the year 1968 and thereafter garbage, refuse, cans, brush, junk, and the like shall be collected by an authorized person or persons under the provisions of a contract and the rules and regulations as hereinafter provided.
   (b)   Such contract for the collection and removal of garbage and refuse shall be entered into only after duly advertising for bids for such service in accordance with the regulations hereinafter enacted and adopted and the Fiscal Officer, is authorized and directed to advertise for bids in accordance with the laws of Ohio.
   (c)   The charges for the services to be rendered in the collection and removal of such refuse and garbage shall be determined for both residential and commercial stops on the basis of the bids therefor made by the successful bidder, as Council shall hereafter determine.
   (d)   The Village shall employ the successful bidder as its garbage and refuse collector for a period of one year from the date of any such contract. Such contract may be extended on a year to year basis after the expiration thereof, provided that in such event, either the Village or the successful bidder may terminate the contract upon giving written notice thirty days or more before the commencing of a new year thereunder.
(Ord. 21-12-67. Passed 12-18-67.)