(a)    General. The final plat will have incorporated all changes and/or modifications required by the Village Planning Commission. Otherwise, it shall conform to the preliminary plan. It may constitute only that portion of the approval preliminary plan which the subdivider proposed to record and develop at the time; provided that this portion conforms with all requirements of these Regulations.
   (b)    Application for Approval. An application for approval for the final plat shall be submitted on forms provided by the Commission, together with five copies of the plat and the supplementary information specified to the Village Planning Commission. The final plat shall be prepared by a qualified registered engineer or a qualified registered surveyor.
   (c)    Filing. 
      (1)    The final plat shall be filed not later than twelve months after the date of approval of the preliminary plan; otherwise, it will be considered void unless a written extension is requested by the developer and granted by the Planning Commission.
      (2)    The final plat shall be considered officially filed after it is examined by the Village Engineer and is found to be in full compliance with the formal provisions of these Regulations.
   (d)    Approval Process. 
      (1)    The Planning Commission shall take action on the final plat within thirty days after the plat has been officially filed. If the plat has not been acted upon within the thirty days by the Village Planning Commission it shall be deemed to have been approved. The certificate of the Commission as to the date of the final plat for approval, and the failure to take action within that time period, shall be sufficient in lieu of the written endorsement of the Planning Commission.
      (2)    If the final plat is disapproved, the reasons for this disapproval shall be stated in writing and a copy of the Commission's record shall be forwarded to the subdivider. The subdivider shall make the necessary corrections and resubmit for final approval.
      (3)    The subdivider shall be notified of the final approval of the plat by the Planning Commission. The subdivider shall then present the plat to Council for approval.
   (e)    Plat Contents. The final plat shall be legibly drawn in a waterproof ink on tracing cloth or other material of equal permanence. It shall be drawn at a scale not less than one inch per 100 feet, and shall be one or more sheets twenty-four inches by thirty-six inches in size. If more than one sheet is needed, each sheet shall be numbered and the relation of one sheet to another shall be clearly shown.
   The final plat shall contain the following information:
      (1)    Name of the subdivision; location by section, range and township; date, north point, graphic and fractional scale.
      (2)    All plat boundaries with length of courses in feet and hundredths, bearings to not more than half-minutes.
      (3)    Bearings and distances to the nearest established street lines or other recognized permanent monuments, which shall be accurately described on the plat.
      (4)    Lines of adjoining streets and alleys with their width and names plus building setback lines.
      (5)    The radii, arcs, chords and chord bearings, points of tangency and central angles for all curvilinear streets and radii for rounded corners.
      (6)    All easements and rights of way provided for public services or utilities and any limitations of such rights of way or easements.
      (7)    All lot numbers and lines, with accurate dimensions in feet and hundredths, and bearings. The basis of bearings shall be stated on the plat.
      (8)    Accurate location of all monuments.
      (9)    Names and addresses of the subdivider and the registered engineer who prepared the plan.
      (10)    Accurate outlines of any areas to be dedicated or temporarily reserved for public use with the purpose indicated thereon.
      (11)    A list of all restrictions and covenants, if any, the developer intends to include in the deeds to the lots in the subdivision.
      (12)    Certification by a registered surveyor that the plan represents a survey made by him and that all monuments shown thereon actually exist and that their location is correctly shown.
      (13)    An acknowledgment by the owner or owners of his or their adoption of the plat and dedication of streets and other public areas.
         (Ord. 22-93. Passed 11-15-93.)
      (14)    All existing and proposed utility information in plan and profile including water, sanitary, storm, electric, gas, telephone, cable, etc. Both existing and proposed ground and pavement elevations shall also be provided as part of the grading plan for the entire subdivision.
         (Ord. 27-2002. Passed 10-7-02.)
      (15)    Space for approval by signature of owner, Village, and County officials, in accordance with the following:
         A.    Owner's certification.
      I (we), the undersigned, owners of the property hereon described, do hereby adopt this subdivision into lots as shown, establish setback lines as shown, (except buffer lot—which is dedicated on condition the abutting right-of-way dedication is extended or widened beyond said buffer lot), and dedicate to public use, rights of way as shown, and we do further grant easements as shown hereon and designated as utility reservations, roadway easement and drainage easement. I (we) further certify that I (we) will improve this subdivision with the following installation: (statement of the specific sewer, water, pavement and other improvements to be installed).

         B.    Notary.
State of Ohio       )
County of Sandusky    )
On this                        day of                        , 19_, before me personally appeared                              , and acknowledged the signing of this plat to be his (their) free act and deed for the purposes hereon mentioned.
Witness my hand and seal the day and year first above written.
Notary Public in and for Sandusky County, Ohio
My Commission expires                       , 19 _.
         C.    Surveyor.
   I hereby certify this is a true and accurate plat of survey made by me on                          , 19 __ of the hereinbefore described property, subdividing the same into lots numbered              through                   inclusive. I also hereby certify that all monuments shown thus and iron pipe at all other lot corners are set or will be set upon completion of the improvements.
         Registered Surveyor #
         D.    Village of Woodville Engineer.
   I hereby certify that the pavements, utilities and other required improvements for the subdivision herein approved have been designed in accordance with the regulations and standards in effect, that I have estimated the cost of materials and construction and performance guarantees in the amount of $            , and that a surety or certified check for this amount has been posted with the                             to assure completion of all improvements in case of default.
                     , 19__.                               
            Village Engineer

I hereby certify that pavements, utilities and other required land improvements for the
                     subdivision approved by the Planning Commission on                    have been designed in accordance with the regulations and standards in effect, that I have inspected the installation of the same and find all improvements have been installed in accordance with the drawings and specifications therefor, and that the utilities and pavements are in good repair.

                     , 19__.                               
            Village Engineer
         E.    Village of Woodville Planning Commission.
We hereby approve and accept this plat according to the subdivision rules and regulations for the Village of Woodville, Ohio, this                      day of                  , 19 __.

         F.    Office of the Sandusky County Auditor.
Transferred this            day of                        , 19 __.

         G.    Office of the Sandusky County Recorder.
This plat filed for Record this                       day of                   19 __ at           .M.
Recorded this                      day of                          , 19   , in Plat Book                   Page                         .

    (f)    Recording of Final Plat. After the final plat has been approved by the Village Engineer, Board of Public Affairs and the Planning Commission, and the necessary approvals endorsed in writing thereon, together with evidence of title, it may then be filed for recording of the Office of the County Recorder, as required by law.
(Ord. 22-93. Passed 11-15-93.)