Permanent signs for all residential uses and for nonresidential uses in residential districts shall comply with the regulations set forth in this Section.
   (a)    Signs on Residential Lots.
      (1)    Each one-family and two-family residential property is permitted a maximum of two (2) unlighted permanent signs provided the combined sign area does not exceed four (4) square feet in total sign area.
      (2)    Each multi-family residential property is permitted a maximum of two (2) unlighted permanent signs provided the combined sign area does not exceed two (12) square feet in total sign area.
      (3)    This sign area allowance covers but is not limited to: address signs, home occupation signs, real estate signs, contractor signs, and roadside stand signs.
      (4)    Signs may be freestanding, mounted to a permanent building or structure or displayed in a window.
      (5)    Freestanding signs shall be located on private property.
      (6)    Freestanding signs shall not exceed four (4) feet in height.
   (b)    Nonresidential Uses in Residential Districts:
      (1)    Nonresidential uses are permitted signs not to exceed thirty (30) square feet in total sign area. The sign area may be either a wall sign or a freestanding sign or a combination of the two.
      (2)    The height of a freestanding sign shall not exceed six (6) feet.
      (3)    A maximum of thirty percent (30%) of the area of a freestanding sign may be devoted to changeable copy.
      (4)    Freestanding signs may be illuminated in compliance with the illumination requirements in Section 1139.08.
      (5)    Conditionally permitted uses may be permitted additional sign area as part of conditional use approval by the Village Council if Council determines that, because of the large size of the facility and its site, the proposed larger sign will be consistent with the objectives, intent and criteria of this Chapter. (Ord. 1291-2021. Passed 4-5-21.)