All off-street parking and loading facilities including entrances, exits, maneuvering areas, waiting spaces, and parking and loading spaces shall be provided in accordance with the following standards and specifications.
(a) Parking Space Dimensions. Each off-street parking space, open or enclosed, shall have an area of not less than 200 square feet, with a minimum width of ten (10) feet, exclusive of access drives or aisles.
(b) Access Required. All parking spaces shall have direct access to a private driveway, access drive or circulation aisle without the need to move any other vehicle.
(c) Circulation Aisles. Interior parking lot circulation aisles shall not be less than twenty-two (22) feet wide when providing two-way circulation, and shall not be less than eighteen (18) feet wide for one-way aisles.
(d) Parking Spaces For Persons With Disabilities. All new construction and alterations to places of public accommodation shall provide off-street parking spaces that are designed and constructed in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 to be readily accessible to persons with disabilities.
(e) Waiting Space Dimensions. Each off-street waiting space for a drive-through facility shall have an area not less than 144 square feet (measuring eight (8) feet by eighteen (18) feet) exclusive of access drives and parking aisles and shall not interfere with parking or circulation. (Ord. 1291-2021. Passed 4-5-21.)