This section contains additional standards and requirements that apply to the use type listed, and apply to all zoning districts in which the use is permitted, unless otherwise expressly stated. Any use in this section that is regulated as a conditional use in the district in which it proposed shall also comply with the conditional use approval criteria set forth in Chapter 1109.
(a) Apartment unit in Commercial Building. One or more apartment units may be established in the upper floor(s) of a commercial building. Where a residential unit(s) is located above the first floor of a commercial building, the residential unit(s) shall have a separate entrance passageway for the residential use, and parking spaces shall be provided for each dwelling unit.
(b) Car Wash Establishments. A car wash establishment shall comply with the following:
(1) The facility shall be located in an area covered by a roof.
(2) The area for the facility shall be located on the lot so as to utilize the maximum amount of the lot for the purpose of containing the waiting line of cars prior to the time the cars or other vehicles are actually serviced.
(c) Cemeteries.
(1) The minimum lot area shall be five (5) acres and the minimum lot width shall be 200 feet.
(2) Buildings shall be located a minimum of fifty (50) feet from each lot line.
(3) Parking shall not be located in the front yard and shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet from side and rear lot lines.
(d) Commercial Recreation and Entertainment, Indoor. Indoor commercial recreation and indoor entertainment facilities shall comply with the following:
(1) The proposed use shall not generate excessive noise beyond the premises.
(2) All activities shall take place in a fully enclosed sound restrictive building with closed windows, and there shall be no outside activities conducted.
(3) Public restrooms shall be provided and maintained.
(4) The facility shall meet all county or State of Ohio health, building, electrical and other applicable codes. In case of overlapping codes and/or jurisdictions, the more restrictive shall apply.
(e) Commercial Recreation, Outdoor. Commercial outdoor recreation facilities shall comply with the following:
(1) The minimum lot area shall be two (2) acres and the minimum lot width shall be 200 feet.
(2) The proposed use shall not generate excessive noise, odor, dust or smoke beyond the premises. In order to minimize any effects of the above, the Village Council may require all applicable surface areas to be paved, and impose additional noise reduction measures, including mounding, landscaping and sound barriers, to assure that the level of noise is less than or the same as the prevailing noise levels of permitted uses in the District.
(3) All active recreation areas shall be enclosed by a fence having a minimum height of five feet, unless a different enclosure is approved by the Village Council.
(4) All structures including lighting fixtures shall have a maximum height of thirty-five (35) feet.
(5) Rifle ranges, skeet shooting ranges, pistol ranges and other uses involving the use of fire arms shall not be permitted.
(6) Public restrooms shall be provided and maintained.
(7) The hours of operation may be regulated by the Village Council.
(f) Day Care Center (Adult or Child). A day care center shall be subject to the following:
(1) The location and design of the facility shall provide for the protection of the patrons from the traffic, noise, and other hazards of the area and/or the arterial street location.
A. A fence or wall having a height of at least five (5) feet shall enclose all outdoor activity areas. An entry gate shall be securely fastened.
B. A drop-off/pick-up location that will not impede traffic on or off the site shall be provided to ensure the safety of the children and adults.
(2) The center and its staff shall be in full compliance with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations, including facility licensure to begin and continue operation.
(g) Drive-Through Facilities. Drive-thru facilities in association with a permitted principal or conditional use as set forth in the regulations of the district in which such facility is proposed shall comply with the following:
(1) Loud speaker systems shall be approved as part of the site plan and shall not create a nuisance for adjacent properties.
(2) The Village Council may impose restrictions on the hours of operation.
(h) Gasoline Station. A gasoline station shall comply with the following:
(1) A canopy may be constructed over the pump island provided the canopy shall be no closer than twenty feet to the right-of-way.
(2) No junk or unlicensed motor vehicles shall be permitted to be parked or stored on the property. No inoperable vehicle shall be permitted to remain on the property for more than forty-eight hours.
(3) All activities provided at gasoline stations, except those required to be performed at a fuel pump, air dispenser, or self-serve automobile vacuum, shall be carried on entirely inside a building.
(4) On a corner lot, the location of access drives to the street shall be placed as far from the intersection as possible and shall be limited to no more than one access drive per fronting street.
(5) A gasoline station may be combined with any other permitted use provided the parking space requirements for both uses are met.
(i) Hospitals and Urgent Care Center. Urgent care centers shall comply with the following:
(1) Outdoor storage of ambulances and other vehicles used in the operation of the principal use may be permitted provided such storage areas shall be located in the side or rear yard in off-street parking areas.
(2) Such uses shall be located in an area least disruptive to pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
(j) Institutional Housing and Related Care Facilities. Institutional housing and related care facilities, including skilled nursing, rehabilitation, and/or assisted living facility shall comply with the following:
(1) Allowable Uses.
A. Clinical care services covering short term and long term care and inpatient rehabilitation.
B. Residential accommodations designed for and intended to be occupied by individuals who require supervision, assistance and health care services or who are otherwise dependent on the services of others by reason of age or physical or mental impairment.
(2) As required by the relevant provisions of the Ohio Revised Code, the applicant shall present satisfactory evidence that the proposed facility meets all necessary certification, licensing or approval requirements of any appropriate state agency. Failure to maintain such license, certification or other approval requirements shall result in the immediate revocation of the facility's conditional use permit.
(k) Kennels, Commercial.
(1) All structures and activities related to the kennel use shall be located a minimum distance of fifty (50) feet from side and rear property lines.
(2) When located adjacent to a residential district, the following additional restrictions shall apply:
A. Soundproofed, air-conditioned buildings shall be located a minimum distance of 100 feet from any residential district.
B. All non-soundproofed structures or area where animals are confined shall be located a minimum distance of 200 feet from any residential district.
C. All non-soundproofed structures for the confinement of animals shall be screened by a solid fence or wall a minimum of six (6) feet in height located within fifty (50) feet of the structure.
D. Animals shall be confined in an enclosed building between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. of the following day.
(3) There shall be no burial or incineration of animals on the premises.
(l) Motor Vehicle Sales. Motor Vehicle sales, leasing, and rental facilities shall comply with the following:
(1) Lighting for all areas used for the outdoor display of automobiles shall be in accordance with a plan approved by the Village Council.
(2) Only vehicles that are in good repair, fully operational, and with no missing parts or damage shall be permitted to be displayed or stored outdoors.
(m) Outdoor Dining Areas. Outdoor dining areas on a private property shall be regulated as follows:
(1) An outdoor dining area may be allowed as an accessory use to a restaurant with an indoor eating area on the same site; provided, the outdoor dining area shall not replace any off-street parking, loading, or landscaping areas as may be required by this resolution.
(2) The outdoor dining area shall not encroach on the public right-of-way.
(3) Enclosing an outdoor dining area either by a permanent roof or to expand the existing structure shall meet all the requirements of a building within the applicable zoning district and shall require the issuance of a zoning permit.
(4) The use of electronics (e.g., televisions, radios, or speakers) and live entertainment in the outdoor dining area shall not generate excessive noise or otherwise have a negative impact on the surrounding properties.
(n) Outdoor display and sales. The outdoor display of goods for sale shall:
(1) Comply with principal building setbacks established for the district in which the principal use is located.
(2) Not exceed ten percent (10%) of the ground floor area of the principal building.
(3) Not be located in areas intended for traffic circulation according to the site plan.
(o) Outdoor Storage for Commercial and Industrial Uses. The outdoor storage of goods, supplies, equipment and fleet vehicles may be permitted in compliance with the following:
(1) The outdoor storage of goods, supplies, and equipment used in the operation of the principal use shall:
A. Comply with the principal building setbacks established for the district in which the principal use is located.
B. Not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the ground floor of the principal building in a “G-B” General Business District, nor fifty percent (50%) of the ground floor area of the principal building in an “L-I” Light Industrial district.
C. Be screened in compliance with the district regulations.
D. Outdoor storage of goods shall be prohibited on vacant lots.
(2) The outdoor overnight parking and storage of any trucks and construction equipment may be located in a side yard, provided it is screened from view from the street.
(3) The outdoor storage of the following types of items shall not be permitted:
A. Radioactive, toxic or otherwise hazardous materials.
B. Recycled materials, or used or salvaged metals, vehicles or equipment, or other items that meet the definition of a junk yard or rubbish dump.
C. Over the road trailers used solely for storage;
D. Non-operational vehicles, trailers, trailers without wheels and axles; inoperable trailers;
E. Goods, materials, equipment, vehicles and similar items that are not associated with the principal use of the lot.
(4) No outdoor storage area shall be permitted to interfere with traffic circulation, required parking areas, public sidewalks or pedestrian access.
(5) All materials shall be stored in such a manner as to be accessible to firefighting equipment at all times.
(6) Application. Each application shall clearly state the type of goods, materials, equipment or products that will be stored outdoors on the lot and the location on the lot of such outdoor storage.
(p) Research and Development Facilities, Laboratories. Uses that employ hazardous materials as defined and classified in the H-1, H-2, H-3, and H-4 Use Groups in Chapter 3 of the Ohio Basic Building Code shall be specifically prohibited.
(q) Rooming Houses. Rooming houses are subject to the following conditions:
(1) In submitting an application for a conditional use permit, the applicant shall provide to the Village Council a floor plan illustrating the proposed operation, a site plan indicating all on-site improvements, and any additional information as required by the Village Council.
(2) The use shall only be permitted in an existing structure that is currently used, or has previously been used, for residential purposes.
(3) All sleeping rooms shall be a minimum size of seventy (70) square feet for one occupant and 120 square feet for two occupants, plus fifty (50) square feet for each additional occupant.
(4) Entry access to all sleeping rooms shall be through the interior of the building. No exit doors from individual sleeping rooms shall lead directly to the exterior of the building.
(5) Residents must have access on-site to shared common areas for cooking and eating. A common kitchen facility equipped for cooking meals located on-site must be available to the residents, or daily meals must be provided on-site for the residents of the rooming house.
(6) No cooking facilities are permitted in any sleeping room.
(7) Each floor must contain at least one fully-equipped bathroom for each five residents that is accessible from a common hallway.
(8) Parking spaces shall be provided as follows: one space for the resident manager; one space per leased sleeping room; and one space per four employees.
(r) Self-Storage Facility.
(1) There shall be a minimum lot area requirement of two (2) acres.
(2) There shall be a minimum setback of fifty (50) feet between all residential lot lines and all buildings related to the self-service storage use.
(3) All storage shall be in an enclosed building, and the maximum size of individual storage compartments shall be 500 square feet.
(4) The leases for all self-storage units shall include clauses prohibiting the following:
A. The storage of flammable liquids or radioactive, highly combustible, explosive or hazardous materials.
B. The use of property for uses other than dead storage.
(5) The Woodsfield Fire Department shall be provided with 24-hour access to the grounds. A lockbox shall be provided for its use.
(s) Temporary Workforce Housing Facility.
(1) The following site design standards shall apply:
A. The minimum lot shall be one (1) acre, with a minimum lot frontage of 200 feet.
B. The minimum setback from a lot line shall be thirty (30) feet, and the minimum distance between workforce housing facilities shall be twenty (20) feet.
C. A maximum of thirty (30) occupants per acre is permitted. Density is calculated by the number of work force camp occupants or recreational vehicle park spaces per gross acres within the site.
D. A ten (10) foot minimum landscaped area shall be required along the perimeter boundary of the workforce housing facility site to provide a visual buffer from adjacent properties. Landscaping shall consist of shrubs, trees, or grasses that are native to the area and that require minimal maintenance; berming may be utilized to enhance the landscaped buffer, as appropriate. Fencing may also be incorporated in the landscape buffer areas.
(2) Internal roadways and walkways shall be lit using light sources directed away from adjacent off]site uses, downward]facing, and screened appropriately so as to illuminate travel surfaces and addresses for emergency service providers but without encroaching on adjacent off-site properties.
(3) Each structure (and individual living unit, as applicable) shall have an address assigned by Monroe County, posted near an exterior entrance and large enough to be visible from the nearest roadway or access point to ensure emergency service personnel can locate a specific building or unit quickly and efficiently in the event of an emergency.
(4) A temporary workforce housing facility conditional use permit is valid for up to three (3) years. Upon expiration of the permit, the applicant shall dismantle the facility and reclaim the site to its original state in accordance with the approved site closure and restoration plan for the workforce housing facility unless otherwise approved by the Village Council. At least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration date, the applicant may apply for renewal of the permit subject to review under the rules in effect at that time.
(5) All temporary housing facilities shall obtain and maintain compliance with the appropriate permits from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (Ohio EPA), Ohio Department of Health (ODH) and/or the Monroe County Health Department (MCHD) for providing drinking (potable) water and sanitary services to the temporary workforce housing facility. Any work force camp existing at the time of adoption of this ordinance that did not obtain any necessary prior approval from OEPA, ODH or MCHD shall be considered an illegal use and shall obtain the necessary state, county and village approvals to continue operation.
(t) Vehicle Repair Garage (Major Repair). The major repair of vehicles shall comply with the following:
(1) All work shall be performed entirely within an enclosed building; and all storage of supplies, parts and merchandise shall be within an enclosed building except as provided elsewhere herein.
(2) The parking of employee vehicles and vehicles waiting to be serviced or returned to customers following service shall be parked in areas indicated for such parking on the site plan.
(u) Vehicle Service Uses (Minor Repair).
(1) The only vehicle services permitted to be performed on a vehicle outside an enclosed building shall be the dispensing of air and vehicle fluids such as fuel, oil, and windshield wiper fluid.
(2) Minor repair services including, but not limited to, muffler, routine engine maintenance or repair, oil change, lubrication and tire sales and service shall take place in an enclosed building.
(3) All buildings shall be set back a minimum of 100 feet from all lot lines adjacent to a residential district or use.
(v) Veterinary Office and Animal Hospital. A veterinary clinic shall be located in a building having adequate sound proofing and odor control. Kennels, when permitted by the Village Council shall be located on the lot so as not to disturb adjacent residential properties.
(1) The boarding of animals shall be restricted to short-term overnight lodging only as necessary for animals receiving medical attention, and there shall be no outside runs or kennels associated with the veterinary office.
(2) Odor and noise shall be adequately controlled to ensure that animals do not create a nuisance.
(3) All waste material shall be removed from the site on a daily basis and no animal carcass or animal waste shall be buried on site or be allowed to accumulate on the premise.
(Ord. 1291-2021. Passed 4-5-21.)