All commercial and industrial uses shall comply with the performance standards set forth hereinafter for the district in which such use is located as a condition precedent to occupancy and use. Any use already established in such district shall not be altered, added to or otherwise modified to conflict with, or to further conflict with, the performance standards set forth hereinafter for the district in which such use is located as a condition precedent to further use. The applicant shall provide a written statement to the Village Administrator that such uses comply or will comply with these performance standards. In cases of doubt, the Village shall arrange for an independent survey by a professional qualified in the particular field and the owner shall pay the costs for such services.
(a) Fire and Explosive Hazards. The storage, handling and use of flammable or explosive materials shall be permitted only in structures having incombustible exterior walls, and all operations in connection therewith shall be provided with adequate safety and protective devices against hazards of fire and explosion as well as with adequate firefighting and suppression equipment and devices standard to the operation involved.
(b) Dust; Smoke. The emission of smoke, soot, fly ash, fumes, dust and other types of air pollution borne by the wind shall be controlled so that the rate of emission and the quantity deposited at any adjacent lot shall not be detrimental to, endanger the public health, safety, comfort or welfare, or adversely affect property values.
(c) Odorous Matter. The emission of odorous matter in such quantities as to produce a public nuisance or hazard beyond the lot occupied by the use shall not be permitted.
(d) Toxic or Noxious Matter. The emission of toxic, noxious or corrosive fumes or gases, which would be demonstrably injurious to property, vegetation, animals or human health at or beyond the boundaries of the lot occupied by the use shall not be permitted.
(e) Noise. The sound pressure level of any operation on a lot, other than the operation of speakers, bells and motor vehicles, shall not exceed the average intensity of the street traffic noise of the district, and no sound shall be objectionable due to intermittence, beat frequency or shrillness.
(f) Vibration. Vibrations shall not be permitted beyond the lot line occupied by the use that would be perceptible without the aid of instruments.
(g) Radioactive or Electrical Disturbances. Radioactive or electrical disturbances shall not be created which would adversely affect any form of life or equipment at or beyond the boundaries of the lot occupied by the use.
(h) Waste Materials. No garbage, rubbish, waste matter or empty containers shall be permitted outside of buildings except within approved receptacles. Liquid waste shall not be discharged into an open reservoir, stream or other open body of water, or into a sewer, unless treated or controlled so that the amount of solid substances, oils, grease, acids, alkalines and other chemicals shall not exceed the amount permitted by other codes of the State, County or Village. Solid wastes shall not be buried unless the Ohio EPA approves such method and a Permit to Install (PTI) has been issued.
(Ord. 1291-2021. Passed 4-5-21.)