1125.01 INTENT.
   Residential Districts (“R-1" Residential One-Family, “R-2" Residential One & Two-Family, and ”R-MF” Residential Multi-Family) and their regulations are established in order to achieve, among others, the following purposes:
   (a)    To regulate the bulk and location of dwellings, accessory buildings, and other structures on each lot in order to maintain a housing unit density consistent with existing Village development patterns and to protect and promote the stability of existing residential development;
   (b)    The “R-1" Residential One-Family District provides for residential development in areas where this pattern of development already exists. This district also provides for agricultural uses at the edges of the Village.
   (c)    The “R-2" Residential One and Two-Family District provides for residential development of one-family and two-family units in areas of the Village where this pattern of development already exists. This district is also applied at the edges of existing development where the extension of the current pattern of lot size is appropriate. This district may serve as a transition zoning between one-family and multi-family or between one-family and commercial uses.
   (d)   The “R-MF” Residential Multi-family District provides for residential development, including multi-family development, on lots located in proximity to Downtown Woodsfield where community services, shopping and related personal services are within walking distance.
      (Ord. 1291-2021. Passed 4-5-21.)