Trailer parks shall be designed and maintained in accordance with the following requirements:
   (a)   Park Area- The minimum trailer park area shall be one-half (1/2) of an acre.
   (b)   Lot Area- The minimum lot area per trailer unit site within the trailer park shall be one thousand (1,000) square feet.
   (c)   Lot Width- The minimum lot width per trailer unit within the trailer park shall be fifty (50) feet. Each lot shall be clearly defined by a permanent marker in the ground.
   (d)   Access- Each trailer park shall abut upon a public street and each trailer lot shall have direct access to a private hard surface road.
   (e)   Distance Between Trailers- The minimum distance between neighboring trailers shall be not less than twenty-five (25) feet.
      (Ord. 1175-14. Passed 1-5-15.)