(a)   Furnishing of Electric Service to Customers.
      (1)   The general operating guidelines cover the furnishing and supply of electric Service by the Village of Woodsfield Municipal Power.
      (2)   The general operating guidelines shall be applicable to all of the Village's Electric customers regardless of how the customer may be identified as to name or whether or not the customer is the property owner of record.
      (3)   It shall be the responsibility of the Village of Woodsfield Municipal Power, the Utility office supervisor and the Electric Superintendent to enforce these General guidelines.
      (4)   The Village of Woodsfield may supplement these guidelines with any other Administrative rules and any applicable rate schedules.
   (b)   Service Conditions.
      (1)   Point of service: The point of attachment designated by Woodsfield Municipal Power on the customers pole, building, termination box, or other suitable Structure. The attachment may be owned by the village at its option and is Considered the point of service. Metering may or may not be located at that Point of service. Meter location will be determined by the village. Each meter and or voltage is the point of service.
      (2)   Service voltage: The normal service voltage is single phase 120/240 volts, 3 wire. At the village's option other voltages and or three phase service may be made available as specified. All voltages are nominal subject to standard variations.
      (3)   Residential services: The utility office will invoice and mail to the property Owner and may require a suitable deposit to secure payment of all bills.
      (4)   Right of way: Before new electric service is established, there must be right of ways executed. Applicants will have the responsibility of obtaining any necessary right of way.
      (5)   All wiring installations shall be in accordance with the latest edition of the National Electrical Code and the specifications and conditions of Woodsfield Municipal power.
      (6)   Woodsfield Municipal Power is under no obligation to inspect customer's wiring of installation of equipment.
      (7)   Woodsfield Municipal Power Reserves the right to inspect any installation of wiring and equipment that is unsafe or causing a problem with other services.
      (8)   Meters will be sealed and controlled by Woodsfield Municipal Power.
      (9)   Woodsfield Municipal Powers responsibility and liability terminates at the point where the utility's service drop conducts first contact the customers service entrance conductors.
      (10)   Woodsfield Municipal Power reserves the right to disconnect and remove any inadequate or unsafe equipment.
      (11)   Customers must allow access for utility representatives to premises to inspect or maintain equipment.
      (12)   Woodsfield municipal power will install all demand meters on any commercial installations.
      (13)   The utility's standard voltage is single phase 120/240 volts, 3 wire, 60 hertz.
      (14)   Three phase service is available but will be subject to Woodsfield Municipal Powers rules and regulations governing extensions and furnishing of equipment.
      (15)   Three phase service will not be extended until satisfactory arrangements have been made and Woodsfield Municipal Power is consulted.
      (16)   Woodsfield Municipal Power Reserves the right to require the customer to install such devices to prevent voltage or other disturbances on the utility system.
      (17)   Electricity supplied by Woodsfield Municipal Power is for the exclusive use of the customer on the premises to which such energy is delivered. It can not be used for another home or business separated from said premises.
      (18)   Each service and or meter location shall be metered and billed separately.
      (19)   All customers equipment shall be of National Electrical Code design.
      (20)   Woodsfield Municipal Power will install the necessary service wires extending from the nearest pole of the utility's distribution system to the customer's entrance for single phase service.
      (21)   Service wires shall have adequate ground and other clearances and be free from trees and obstructions.
      (22)   Service entrances shall be maintained by the customer at his or her expense. Such materials shall extend from the above specified point of contact with the utility's service wires to the meter base.
      (23)   Meter bases shall be furnished by the customer.
      (24)   Woodsfield Municipal Power reserves the right to seal all meter entrance switches and metering instrument cabinets regardless of ownership.
      (25)   Service entrance mast pipe shall be a minimum of 2" inch nominal diameter galvanized steel.
      (26)   Woodsfield Municipal Power shall encourage upgrade of old services, but where remodeling occurs and the meter and or mast pipe needs moved the customer will be charged a fee.
      (27)   Underground service is available upon request by the customer. The customer at his or her expense shall excavate the trench in conformance to Woodsfield Municipal Powers specifications and provide all necessary conduit to install conductor in from the utility's service area.
      (28)   The trench shall be back filled to Woodsfield municipal powers specifications.
      (29)   The customer is responsible for gaining any right of way across property belonging to other party's involved.
   (30)   Woodsfield Municipal Power will extend its distribution service to provide electricity to new customers which may consist of permanent structures that require electric service on a permanent basis.
      (31)   When the extension required is beyond 150 feet the additional cost shall be paid by the customer including single or three phase service.
      (32)   Outside of the village corporation limit must have approval of Woodsfield Municipal Power.
   (c)   Meter Testing.
      (1)   In the event of meter stoppage or failure of any meter to register the full amount of energy consumed, the customer will be billed for such a period on estimated consumption based upon the use of energy in the similar period of use.
      (2)   If a customer in writing requests a meter to be tested to see if the accuracy is registering properly, the utility will send the meter to an independent testing facility. If the meter is found to be accurate in all respects, the customer shall pay all expenses involved.
   (d)   Private Outdoor Lighting.
      (1)   The village offers outdoor security lighting service.
      (2)   Security lights are installed on poles only. The village is changing all outdoor lighting to a (LED) type of light for energy savings purposes.
      (3)   Temporary electrical service is available for new housing starts and other types of construction sites. If a mobile home is involved, it must be mounted on a permanent foundation.
      (4)   Relocation of lines, line extensions, or poles at the customers request shall include labor, materials, including transformers to remain property of Woodsfield Municipal Power and equipment costs to be paid by the customer.
      (5)   Trees located in or near electric right of ways that may cause problems to the electric service system shall be trimmed or cut by Woodsfield Municipal Power or a contractor.
   (e)   Charges for Services.
      (1)   No charges will be required for normal service upgrades or changeovers.
      (2)   If changeover requires additional poles or equipment the customer will pay the additional costs.
      (3)   Customers shall pay a service charge of $75.00 for services such as siding work etc.
      (4)   All service calls will have a $75.00 fee.
      (5)   Labor charges shall be current rates and may be adjusted accordingly.
      (6)   Pole costs vary from $400.00 to $1,200.00.
      (7)   Equipment rates:
35 ft. Bucket truck
$75.00 per hour
50 ft. Bucket truck
$100.00 per hour
Digger truck
$100.00 per hour
(Ord. 1241-2018. Passed 8-6-18.)