(a)    There shall be a service charge of five dollars and seventy-seven cents ($5.77) for usage of 2000 gallons or less and six dollars and forty-two cents ($6.42) per month for usage of more than 2000 gallons per month for the sewer service to single family dwellings, multiple dwellings, apartment buildings, trailers and mobile home courts, business establishments, and other structures.
   Revenues received for municipal wastewater services shall be apportioned to the fund accounts as follows:
Operation and maintenance fund =
68% of revenues
Sewer replacement fund =
10% of revenues
Capital cost recovery fund =
19% of revenues
General fund =
3% of revenues
   (b)   There shall be charged for sewer service a variable rate of three dollars and eighty-five cents ($3.85) per thousand gallons of water for usage of 2000 gallons or less and four dollars and twenty-eight cents ($4.28) per thousand gallons of water for usage of more than 2000 gallons per month based upon the measurement of water meter or meters.
(Ord. 983-01. Passed 6-4-01; Ord. 1062-07. Passed 3-19-07.)
   (c)   If the user does not purchase water from the Village, such user, if such use is for a single family dwelling, shall be charged a flat monthly rate of ten dollars ($10.00) per month.
   (d)   All others who do not purchase water from the Village and who have a multiple dwelling, apartment building or business establishment shall be charged a flat monthly rate of twenty dollars ($20.00) per month. (Ord. 745-87. Passed 4-20-87.)
   (e)   A service connection charge shall be imposed for the transfer of sewage account from one person to another, in the amount of ten dollars ($10.00). Such charge to be imposed at time billing is transferred or placed in a new customer’s name.
(Ord. 749-87. Passed 5-18-87.)
   (f)   Necessity for Charges. It is hereby determined necessary for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare and to conform with Federal, State and local laws and regulations, that a system of charges for sewerage service be established which allocates the cost of providing sewerage service to each user in such a manner that the allocated costs are proportionate to the cost of providing sewerage service to that user, insofar as those costs can reasonably be determined.
   (g)   Sewer Charge System. The following sewer charge systems are hereby established:
      (1)   User charge system. A system of user charges which requires all users to pay their proportionate share of the operation and maintenance (including replacement of equipment) of the sewerage system.
      (2)   Local capital cost recovery system. A system of charges designed to recover from all users, their share of the cost of financing capital improvements to the sewerage system.
   (h)   Rate Establishment Procedures.
      (1)   General. Rates shall be established by Council after a recommendation from the Board of Trustees of Public Affairs, who shall review the rates annually. Rates shall be designed to recover the cost of rendering sewerage service for the year under consideration. Rates shall be established so as to maintain adequate fund reserves to provide for reasonably expected variations in the cost of providing, as well as variations in the demand for services.
(Ord. 769-88. Passed 2-1-88.)
      (2)   Surplus. If there is a surplus in the user charge portion of the income, then the subsequent years rates shall be adjusted to reflect a credit of that surplus to each of the users by class. However, no balance in the capital cost recovery fund alone shall be construed to trigger this provision for subsequent rate reduction.
(Ord. 983-01. Passed 6-4-01.)
      (3)   Notification. At least annually in conjunction with a regular bill, each user will be notified of the rate and the portion of the sewer service charges which are attributable to the user charge.
   (i)   Method of Rate Determination.
      (1)    User charge system. The sewer rate structure shall include a charge designed to recover from each user the cost of treating that user's effluent and the cost of providing sewerage system related services to that user. The user charge rate structure shall recover sufficient revenues to adequately operate, maintain and replace sewerage system facilities and to provide for an adequate level of sewerage system related services.
      (2)    Local capital cost recovery system. The sewer charge rate structure shall include a unit cost designed to recover the local capital costs associated with the financing of bonds to build and/or expand the sewerage system.
   (j)    Sewer Service Charge. A sewer service charge will be rendered in accordance with the applicable ordinance(s).
   (k)    Distribution of Sewerage System Revenues and Utilization of Funds.
      (1)    There shall be established three separate funds:
         Sewerage System Operating Fund;
         Sewage System Replacement Fund; and
         Sewerage System Debt Retirement Fund.
      (2)    Utilization of funds.
         A.    Sewerage System Operating Fund shall be utilized for the operation and maintenance costs.
         B.    Sewerage System Replacement Fund shall be utilized to provide for the replacement of sewerage system equipment. The purpose of the replacement fund is to insure the availability of financial resources for the prompt and timely response to actual or incipient failure or loss of effectiveness of sewerage system equipment through normal wear and tear, thereby protecting the capital investment in these facilities.
         C.    Sewerage System Debt Retirement fund shall be utilized for the redemption of sewer bonds and for interest thereon.
   (l)   Wastewater Volume Determination. The quantity subject to the charges imposed by this chapter shall be the volume of wastes discharged to the wastewater treatment works by the user. This volume shall be the same volume as that recorded on the meter or meters used to measure water from the public water system, unless the user is supplied with water from a source other than the public water system and/or unless a substantial volume of water supplied to the user is not discharged to the wastewater treatment works; in which cases, the volume of water discharged to the wastewater treatment works shall be determined by one or more meters installed to measure water flow and/or wastewater discharged, or by other means approved by the Village. Meters installed other than the meter or meters used to record consumption from the public water system shall be approved by the Village and installed at the expense of the user. Following approval, such meter(s) shall not be removed without consent of the Village.
   (m)   Sewer Service Charge Outside Village.
      (1)    There is hereby levied and charged upon each lot or parcel of land outside the corporation limits of the Village served by the sanitary sewage system of the Village, a sewage service charge according to the rates as provided for each lot or parcel of land within the Village. Council may authorize and direct the Superintendent to enter into a written contract on behalf of the Village with any person or firm, upon such terms as Council may direct or furnish sewerage services outside the corporate limits. (Ord. 769-88. Passed 2-1-88.)
      (2)    In addition to the charges stated in subsections (a) through (c), nonresident customers shall be charged an additional ten percent (10%) calculated on each portion of the sewer service charge, including Maintenance and Operation, Replacement Fund, Capital Cost Recovery and the minimum charge. (Ord.817-90. Passed 4-2-90.)
   (n)   Strength Classification. The following strength classifications are hereby established:
      (1)    Standard strength. Standard strength shall include all wastewater with load characteristics less than 360 mg/l of BOD and less than 340 mg/l of suspended solids.
      (2)    Extra strength. Extra strength shall include all wastewater with load characteristics equal to or greater than 360 milligrams per liter (mg/l) BOD or 340 milligrams per liter of suspended solids.
   (o)    Strength Charge Factor. Extra strength users shall be charged a surcharge on the O & M and report portions of the sewer service charge on the basis of the following formula:
         [                ]
S.C.F. = 0.38   [0.5 (S.S. - 340) +0.5 (B.O.D. - 360) ]
         [ 340       360 ]
S.C.F. = Strength charge factor
S.S.   = Suspended solids value at point source
B.O.D.= 5 day 20° C. value at part source
0.49   = Ratio of strength annual cost to total annual cost of O & M.
   Assumes 50-50 split of strength cost between suspended solids and B.O.D.
(Ord.769-88. Passed 2-1-88.)