For the purpose of this chapter, the meanings of the following terms shall be defined in this section:
(a) “Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5)” means the quantity of oxygen utilized in the biochemical oxidation of organic matter as determined by approved laboratory procedures.
(b) “Operations and maintenance” means activities required to assure the dependable and economical function of treatment works.
(1) “Maintenance” means preservation of functional integrity and efficiency of equipment and structures. This includes preventative maintenance, corrective maintenance and replacement of equipment as needed.
(2) “Operations” means control of the unit processes and equipment which make up the treatment works. This includes financial and personnel management; records, laboratory control, process control, safety and emergency operation planning.
(c) “Proportionate” means that each unit has the same relationship to the total with respect to magnitude, quality and degree.
(d) “Replacement” means those expenditures made for obtaining and installing equipment, accessories and/or appurtenances during the useful life of the treatment works which are necessary to maintain the capacity and performance of the treatment works for which they were designated and constructed.
(e) “Sewerage system” means all of the facilities required to transport sewage from the premises of the source to a sewage treatment facility and shall include the treatment and disposal facility.
(f) “Suspended solids (total nonfilterable residue)” means total nonfilterable residue that are removable by filtering using approved laboratory procedures.
(g) “User” means any person, lot, parcel of land, building, premises, municipal corporation or other political subdivision that discharges, causes or permits the discharge of wastewater into the Village sewer system.
(h) “Residential user” means any user residing in a house, apartment, mobile home or other dwelling.
(i) “Commercial user” means any user having an established business entity (except an industry) or a municipal facility, school or other public buildings such as churches.
(j) “Industrial user” includes users discharging a waste resulting from manufacturing activities involving the mechanical or chemical transformation of materials or substances into other products. These activities occur in establishments usually described as plants, factories, or mills and characteristically use power driven machines and materials handling equipment.
(k) “Institutional user” includes hospitals, nursing homes, schools or facilities that discharge wastewater into the public wastewater treatment system, works and facility.
(l) “Governmental user” means any Village, county, State, federal building for facilities that discharge wastewater into the public wastewater treatment system, works and facility. (Ord. 769-88. Passed 2-1-88.)