(a) Any potential subscriber requesting Woodsfield municipal utility service outside the Woodsfield municipal corporation limit shall be assessed a connection fee to be paid within thirty days of the connection of service.
(b) The connection fee shall be assessed as follows:
(1) The Woodsfield Municipal Utility shall calculate the Village’s costs to connect service to the applicant. Costs shall include materials plus labor costs incurred from service line extension to supply line (including but not limited to metering, transformer, poles, trenching, conduit, wire, pipe, and pipe fittings).
(2) For a residential user, the connection fee will be a single flat fee of one hundred dollars ($100.00) and twenty-five percent (25%) of all costs incurred to establish service to the site.
(3) For a non-residential user, the connection fee will be three hundred dollars ($300.00) and twenty-five percent (25%) of all costs incurred to establish service to the site.
(Ord. 993-02. Passed 2-19-02.)