(a)    Upon the approval of the application and upon the payment of the annual license fee of:
Mechanical amusement device
$50.00 per machine
Juke box
10.00 per machine
a license to display one mechanical amusement device or juke box shall be issued to the applicant. The license fee shall be for the fiscal year beginning January 1 of the calendar year or for any unexpired portion of the fiscal year. The license shall entitle the licensee therein named to display at or upon the premises therein described one mechanical amusement device or juke box. (A.O.)
   (b)    In the first year in which a license for a mechanical amusement(s) devices is purchased the fee for that year shall be prorated to the month in which the license is purchased. Proration shall be accomplished by dividing the yearly fee by twelve and charging for only those months remaining in the year when the license is purchased.
(Ord. 414. Passed 1-4-82.)