(A)   Less than two acres. Improvement plans for grading land areas two acres or less for noncommercial uses shall include the following information. All commercial development less than two acres shall abide by the requirements of division (B) below:
      (1)   Full name and address of property owner;
      (2)   Designation of property address and a location map, parcel ID#;
      (3)   Existing grade and topography of the premises and the approximate proposed finished grade showing contours of not more than two feet;
      (4)   Submit a plan sheet detailing both temporary and permanent erosion control devices to be utilized such as silt fence, rip rap, bales, sediment basins, and the like;
      (5)   An estimate of cost to construct temporary and permanent erosion control measures;
      (6)   A statement indicating that public roadways, sidewalks, R.O.W. will be protected from sediment/runoff resulting from work using best management practices, and that upon notification, corrective action will be completed within 48 hours;
      (7)   Identify areas within an established flood plain, floodway, or wetland; and
      (8)   A statement from the property owner or his or her agent assuming full responsibility for the performance of the operation of erosion control measures indicated in the application.
   (B)   Two through five acres. Grading plans, site plans, preliminary plat of subdivision, or the subdivision improvement plans for grading land areas two acres or more, and all commercial developments up to five acres shall include the following additional information. Three sets of plans and specifications shall be required:
      (1)   Full name and address of property owner;
      (2)   Designation of property address and a location map, parcel ID#;
      (3)   Portion of the property that is to be excavated, graded, or filled with excavated material;
      (4)   Location of any sewerage disposal system or underground utility line, any part of which is within 50 feet of the proposed excavation, grading, or filling area and the location of any pipe line within 100 feet of the proposed excavation, grading, or filling area;
      (5)   Existing grade and topography of the premises and the proposed finished grade and final contour elevation at a contour interval of not more than two feet on United States Geological Survey datum;
      (6)   Location and present status of any previous permitted grading operations on the property;
      (7)   Submit on a plan sheet details and locations of erosion, control devices to be utilized such as silt fence, rip rap, bales, sediment basins, and the like;
      (8)   A plan sheet showing any permanent erosion/sediment control devices;
      (9)   An estimate of cost to construct temporary and permanent erosion control measures;
      (10)   A statement indicating that public roadways, sidewalks, R.O.W. will be protected from sediment/runoff resulting from work using best management practices, and that upon notification, corrective action will be completed within 48 hours; and
      (11)   Identify areas within an established floodplain, floodway, or wetland.
   (C)   Five acres or more. In addition to the requirements in division (B) above, development on sites where five or more acres are disturbed will require an NPDES permit from the state which will address erosion and sediment issues. A copy of that plan shall be provided to the city, along with an estimate of costs for temporary and permanent measures. These developments would require a statement from a registered engineer certifying that the water leaving the site after development would discharge in the same locations and at the same rates as pre-development conditions. The performance guarantee as specified previously will be required, based upon an estimate of costs for erosion control provided by the registered engineer.
   (D)   Supplemental information/special considerations.
      (1)   Upon submittal of any site plan (regardless of the size of the tract involved or the use) the city may request additional information. Sites with large amounts of cut or fill or sharp contours may require a site visit with the owner or his or her representative to discuss the plan. Also, in the case of larger tracts or commercial uses the city reserves the right to obtain an independent review of release rates and elements of the plan by a third-party licensed professional engineer. In those instances, where independent review finds information contained in the original submittal inaccurate or incomplete, expenses incurred for this review will be paid by the applicant.
      (2)   Placement of detention basins within a flood plain are discouraged because of questions about their liability during flood events. However, detention required by this chapter may be accomplished in and adjacent to these areas provided that the following provisions are met. In these areas, provide compensatory storage of one and one-half times the volume below the base flood elevation occupied by the detention basin, including any berms or embankments. All flood plain storage below the existing ten-year elevation shall be replaced below the ten year elevation. All the flood plain storage lost above the ten-year elevation shall be replaced above the existing ten-year elevation. All compensatory storage excavations shall be constructed to drain freely and at comparable rates to the original watercourse.
(Prior Code, § 156.01) (Ord. 99-13, passed 9-7-1999; Ord. 01-6, passed 3-5-2001)