(A)   Any person, firm, corporation or business proposing to develop land for non-agricultural purposes within the city shall apply to the Building and Zoning Department for approval of required erosion control plans and issuance of a grading permit as specified in this regulation.
   (B)   Upon approval of the required erosion control plan and prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the city shall require the developer to post a performance guarantee, bond, or letter of credit of which shall not expire before the completion of the project in the amount of all work to be done under the erosion control plan. Such guarantee shall be in an amount determined by the Building and Zoning Official as equal to the estimated costs of constructing proper erosion control measures for the project. The entire amount will be held until the public improvements are accepted by the city to insure that the erosion control measures are performed and maintained. This guarantee does not apply for singular, residential structures.
(Prior Code, § 156.00) (Ord. 99-13, passed 9-7-1999)