No plumbing shall be installed, altered, or changed in any building or structure within the corporate limits of the city until a permit for such installation, alteration, or change shall have been obtained from the Plumbing Inspector. Said permit shall be issued only to a plumbing contractor, employing plumber, or self-employed journeyman plumber registered and bonded under this section or such other person as specified in the Illinois State Plumbing Code, being 77 Ill. Adm. Code 890. Applications for a permit shall be in accordance with the Illinois State Plumbing Code. After the permit shall have been issued by the Plumbing Inspector, no change or modification in the plans or specifications shall be made unless such change shall first have been submitted to the Plumbing Inspector and approved.
(Prior Code, § 150.054) (Ord. 60-1, passed 12-19-1960)