All meetings of the City Council shall be open to the public. Promptly at the hour set herein, the members of the Council, the City Clerk, City Attorney, Mayor, and City Manager, shall take their regular stations in the Council chamber, there shall be a 30-second period of silent meditation and the business of the Council shall be taken up for consideration and disposition in the following order:
   (A)   Roll call;
   (B)   Reading, correction, if any, and approval of the minutes of the previous meeting;
   (C)   Approval of the bills for the period immediately preceding the date of such meeting;
   (D)   Consideration of the monthly financial report;
   (E)   Communications, petitions, reports, and additional agenda items from city officials and citizens;
   (F)   Consideration of items on the City Manager’s agenda;
   (G)   Consideration of old business;
   (H)   Consideration of new business; and
   (I)   Adjournment.
(Prior Code, § 32.19) (Ord. 60-1, passed 12-19-1960; Ord. 65-4, passed 5-10-1965; Ord. 73-2, passed 4-16-1973)