(A)   Those streets and parts of streets described in Chapter 75, Schedule I attached hereto and made a part hereof are hereby declared to be through streets for the purpose of this section.
   (B)   (1)   Whenever any ordinance of this city designates and describes a through street it shall be the duty of the Director of Public Services to place and maintain a stop sign, or on the basis of an engineering and traffic investigation at any intersection a yield sign, on each and every street intersecting such though street unless traffic at any such intersection is controlled at all times by traffic-control signals.
      (2)   At the intersection of two such through streets or at the intersection of a through street and a heavy traffic street not so designated, stop signs shall be erected at the approaches of either of said streets as may be determined by the Chief of Police upon the basis of an engineering and traffic study.
(Prior Code, § 70.035) (Ord. 65-3, passed 4-19-1965)