§ 31.036 DUTIES.
   The City Manager shall be the executive and administrative officer of the city and shall be responsible to the City Council for the proper administration of the affairs of the city. To that end, he or she shall have power and be required to:
   (A)   Appoint and, when necessary for the good of the service, remove all officers and employees of the city, except as otherwise provided in this code and except as he or she may authorize the head of a department or office to appoint and remove subordinates in the department or office;
   (B)   Prepare and submit to the Council, as of the end of the fiscal year, a complete report of the finances and administrative activities of the city for the year;
   (C)   Keep the Council advised of the financial condition of the city and make recommendations concerning its future needs;
   (D)   Attend all meetings of the Council. He or she shall have the right to take part in discussions, but shall have no power to vote;
   (E)   Enforce all laws and ordinances and see that all contracts and franchises are faithfully performed;
   (F)   Perform all other duties prescribed by this code or required of him or her by the Council if not inconsistent with this code;
   (G)   Prescribe the powers and duties of officers and employees of the city not otherwise prescribed by this code. He or she may assign particular officers and employees to one or more of the departments; require an officer or employee to perform duties in two or more departments; and make such other administrative rules and regulations as may be necessary or proper for the efficient and economical conduct of the business of the city; and
   (H)   The City Manager shall have such additional powers and duties as assigned to him or her by statute.
(Prior Code, § 31.36) (Ord. 60-1, passed 12-19-1960; Ord. 85-2, passed 1-21-1985)