§ 52.049 TAP ON CHARGES.
   All persons applying for water shall make application for water to the Water Division of the city. The customer shall lay his or her water line only to his or her own property line at a point designated by the Director of Public Services or his or her agent and the city will complete the line and tapping, up to a one inch line. Any tap greater than one inch will be done by a licensed contractor and will be inspected by the city. The city tapping charge will be as follows:
Inside City Limits
3/4 inch water connection
$1,000 plus material and labor, city to install
1 inch water connection
$1,000 plus material and labor, city to install
1-1/2 inch water connection
$2,000 city to inspect only
2 inch water connection
$2,500 city to inspect only
3 inch water connection
$3,000 city to inspect only
4 inch water connection
$3,500 city to inspect only
Outside City Limits
3/4 inch water connection
$1,000 plus material and labor, city to install
1 inch water connection
$1,000 plus material and labor, city to install
1-1/2 inch water connection
$3,000 city to inspect only
2 inch water connection
$4,000 city to inspect only
3 inch water connection
$5,000 city to inspect only
4 inch water connection
$6,000 city to inspect only
(Prior Code, § 52.24) (Ord. 60-1, passed 12-19-1960; Ord. 62-13, passed 10-15-1962; Ord. 75-19, passed 7-21-1975; Ord. 81-14, passed 8-17-1981; Ord. 90-12, passed 9-17-1990; Ord. 06-09, passed 3-20-2006; Ord. 18-14, passed 7-2-2018)