A. Code Adopted: There is hereby adopted by reference as if fully set out herein that certain Code known as the International Property Maintenance Code, 2021, as published by the International Code Council, Inc., together with the additions, insertions, deletions and changes hereinafter set forth, one (1) copy of which has been for a period of more than thirty (30) days prior to the effective date hereof and now is on file in the Office of the Village Clerk.
B. Amendments To Code: The following additions, insertions, deletions and changes are hereby made to the international property maintenance code, 2021:
Section 101.3 Intent. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute the following new section 101.3:
Section 101.3 Intent. This code shall be construed to secure its expressed intent, which is to ensure public health, safety and welfare insofar as they are affected by the continued occupancy and maintenance of structures and premises. Existing structures and premises that do not comply with these provisions shall be altered or repaired to provide a minimum level of health and safety as required within. Repairs, alterations, additions to and change of occupancy in existing buildings shall comply with the international building code/2021, second printing, and/or the international residential code for one- and two-family dwellings, 2021.
Section 102.3 Application Of Other Codes. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute the following new section 102.3:
Section 102.3 Application Of Other Codes. Repairs, additions or alterations to a structure, or changes of occupancy, shall be done in accordance with the procedures and provisions in title 8 of the village code.
Section 102.3 Application Of Other Codes. Amend by adding the following new sections 102.3.1 and 102.3.2:
Section 102.3.1 Electrical. All references within this code to the "ICC electrical code" shall be changed to read, "national electrical code, 2020 edition (NFPA 70-2020), as prepared and published by the National Fire Protection Association, Inc., and as amended by title 8, chapter 1, article E, of the village code." The provisions of said electrical code, as amended, shall apply to the installation, alteration, repair, and replacement of electrical systems, including equipment, appliances, fixtures, fittings and appurtenances thereto.
Section 102.3.2 Plumbing. All references within this code to the "international plumbing code" shall be changed to read, "Illinois plumbing code" as currently adopted, as sponsored and published by the Illinois department of public health, and as amended by title 8, chapter 1, article F, of the village code." The provisions of said plumbing code, as amended, shall apply to the installation, alteration, repair and replacement of plumbing systems, including appliances, fixtures, fittings and appurtenances thereto.
Section 104 Fees. Delete in its entirety.
Section 107 Means Of Appeal. Delete in its entirety.
Section 111.2 Closing Of Vacant Structures. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute the following new section 111.2:
Section 111.2 Closing Of Vacant Structures. If a structure is vacant and unfit for human habitation and occupancy, and is not in danger of structural collapse, the code official is authorized to post a placard of condemnation on the premises and order the structure closed up so as not to be an attractive nuisance. Upon failure of the owner or lessor to close up the premises within the time specified in the order, the code official shall cause the premises to be closed through any available public agency or by contract or arrangement by private persons and the cost thereof shall be charged against the real estate upon which the structure is located and shall be a lien upon such real estate. Any vacant structure closed up by the owner or lessor, or by a public or private agency upon order of the code official, shall be deemed as a temporary method in which to abate the nuisance which shall not exceed sixty (60) days in duration. The code official may, in conjunction with the village attorney, seek a demolition/repair order within the sixty (60) day time period and/or any time thereof to require repairs or removal of the structure. All associated costs plus administrative fees shall be charged as a lien upon such real estate.
Section 111.4.1 Form. Delete section 111.4.1 in its entirety and in lieu therefore substitute the following new section 111.4.1:
Section 111.4.1: Be in writing, facsimile, or by electronic means.
Section 111.4.2 Method of Service. Delete section in its entirety and in lieu therefore substitute the following new section
Section A copy delivered; electronically, facsimile, text message, email Section 111.7 Placarding. Delete in its entirety.
Section R302 Exterior Property Areas Amend by adding the following section 302.10:
Section 302.10 Outdoor Storage. Outdoor storage of materials and equipment is prohibited except where specifically permitted in a zoning district, or in Zoning Code, or where granted by ordinance as a special use. Material and equipment prohibited from being stored outdoors includes rubbish and garbage, construction and building materials, ice melting salt, soil or land fill material, brush and limbs, logs and firewood, snow removal equipment, landscaping equipment, construction equipment, furnishings and fixtures intended for use within a building and similar items. The following items are permitted to be stored outdoors when located in the rear yard and set back a minimum distance of ten percent of the lot width, but not less than 6.5 feet, from any property line; rubbish and garbage in approved refuse containers, firewood not to exceed three face cords, outdoor cooking equipment, recreational equipment, and construction equipment and materials required for a current construction project.
Section 304.14 Insect Screens. Insert: January 1, December 31. Section 308 Rubish and Garbage. Delete in its entirety.
Section 602.3 Heat Supply. Insert January 1, December 31.
Section 602.4 Occupiable Work Spaces. Insert 6:00 A.M., 11:30 P.M.
(Ord. 2013-29, 6-13-2013; amd. Ord. 2015-11, 3-5-2015; Ord. 2017-51, 9-21-2017; Ord. 2023-36, 11-2-2023)