The following additions, insertions, deletions and changes are hereby made to the International Building Code, 2021, second printing:
   A.   Amendments:
   Section 101.1 Title. Delete in its entirety.
   Section 101.4 Amend by adding the following new section 101.4.8:
      Section 101.4.8 Electrical. All references within this code to the ICC electrical code shall be changed to read, "The National Electrical Code/2020, prepared and published by the National Fire Protection Association, Inc.". The provisions of the national electrical code shall apply to the installation, alteration, repair and replacement of electrical systems, including equipment, appliances, fixtures, fittings and appurtenances thereto.
   Section 101.4.3 Plumbing. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute with the following new section 101.4.3 Plumbing:
      Section 101.4.3 Plumbing. All references within this code to the international plumbing code shall be changed to read, "The Illinois Plumbing Code/as currently adopted, prepared and published by the state of Illinois department of public health". The provisions of the Illinois Plumbing Code shall apply to the installation, alteration, repair and replacement of plumbing systems, including appliances, fixtures, fittings and appurtenances thereto.
   Section 104.11 Alternative materials, designed and methods of construction and equipment. Amend by adding the following new item number 3:
      3.   [in addition to No.'s 1 and 2] Copies of the system design from Underwriters Laboratories (UL) or other approved, independent testing agency shall be submitted to the village, or be made a part of the construction plans submitted to the village, for all required fire-resistance-rated assemblies and firestop systems.
   Section 105 PERMITS. Amended by adding the following new section 105.1.1 Workmanship:
      Section 105.1.1 Workmanship. Repairs, maintenance work, alterations or installations which are caused directly or indirectly by the enforcement of this code shall be executed and installed in a workmanlike manner and installed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
   Section 105.2 Work exempt from permit. Delete in its entirety. Section 105.5 Expiration. Delete in its entirety.
   Section 111.2 Certificate issued. Delete in its entirety. Section 113 Board of appeals. Delete in its entirety.
   Section 306.3 Factory industrial F-2 low-hazard occupancy. Amend by adding the following new section 306.3.1 Classification:
      Section 306.3.1 Classification to F-1 moderate-hazard occupancy. The designation "group F-2" shall be deleted. All factory industrial uses and occupancies classified as group F-2 shall be classified as group F-1. Requirements of this code specified for factory industrial group F-1 shall apply to all factory industrial use and occupancies.
   Section 311.3 Low-hazard storage, group S-2. Amend by adding the following new section 311.3.1 Classification to moderate-hazard storage, Group S-1:
      Section 311.3.1 Classification to moderate-hazard storage, Group S-1. The designation "group S-2" shall be deleted. All storage uses and occupancies classified as group S-2 shall be classified as group S-1. Requirements of this code for storage group S-1 shall apply to all storage use and occupancies.
   Section 403.3 Automatic Sprinkler System. Delete exception in its entirety.
   Section 406.3.2.1 Dwelling unit separation. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute with the following new section 406.3.2.1 Dwelling unit separation:
      Section 406.3.2.1 Dwelling unit separation. The private garage shall be separated from the dwelling unit and its attic area by a minimum 1-hour rated fire barrier using minimum five-eighths inch (5/8") Type X or equivalent gypsum wallboard on all walls and ceilings. Door openings between a private garage and a dwelling unit shall be equipped with either solid wood doors or solid or honeycomb core steel doors not less than 1-3/8 inches in thickness, or doors in compliance with Section 716.2.2.1 with a fire protection rating of not less than 20 minutes. Doors shall be self-closing and self-latching. Openings from a private garage directly into a room used for sleeping purposes shall not be permitted.
   Section 406.3.2.2 Ducts. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute with the following new section 406.3.2.2 Ducts:
      406.3.2.2 Ducts. Ducts in a private garage and ducts penetrating the walls or ceilings separating the dwelling unit from the garage shall be encapsulated in construction equal to that of those walls and ceilings, and shall have no openings into the garage.
   Section 406.5.3 Mixed occupancies and uses. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute with the following new section 406.5.3 Mixed occupancies and uses:
      Section 406.5.3 Mixed occupancies and uses. Parking garages shall be separated from other occupancies and uses in accordance with section 302.1, but in no case shall the separation be less than a 1-hour rated fire barrier.
   Section 503.1 General. Delete in its entirety (not inclusive of subsections 503.1.1, 503.1.2, 503.1.3 and 503.1.4) and in lieu thereof substitute with the following new Section 503.1 General:
      Section 503.1 General. The height and area for buildings of different construction types shall be governed by the intended use of the building, and shall not exceed the limits in Table 504.3 and Table 506.2 except as modified hereafter. Each part of a building included within the exterior walls or the exterior walls and fire walls where provided shall be permitted to be a separate building.
      1.   Type III, VA and VB construction is prohibited for all new construction other than use group R-3 structures.
      2.   Existing buildings of type 5 construction may be converted to use group B only, provided the structure does not exceed two (2) stories in height, and the gross floor area does not exceed twenty-two hundred (2,200) square feet. Such buildings shall be equipped with an approved fire alarm system interconnected to an approved location providing 24-hour supervision of alarm and system trouble, and shall comply with the current Illinois Accessibility Code as if new construction.
   Section 505.2.3 Openness. Delete exception 5 in its entirety. Section 507.3 Nonsprinklered, one story. Delete in its entirety.
   Section 507.4 Sprinklered, one story. Delete exception 1 in its entirety. Section 507.5 Two-story buildings. Delete in its entirety.
   Section 509.4 Separation and protection. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute with the following new section 509.4 Separation and protection:
      Section 509.4 Separation and protection. All rooms and areas listed under the column "Separation and/or protection" in Table 509.1 shall require the installation of the fire-resistance-rated separation indicated, and shall be protected with an approved fire suppression system.
   Section 602.3 Type III. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute with the following new section 602.3 Type III:
      Section 602.3 Type III. Type III construction is that type of construction in which the exterior walls are of noncombustible materials and the interior building elements are of any material permitted by this code. Fire-retardant-treated wood framing complying with section 2303.2 shall be permitted within exterior wall assemblies with a 2-hour rating or less. Type III construction shall be permitted for use group R-3 structures only.
   Section 602.5 Type V. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute with the following new section 602.5 Type V:
      Section 602.5 Type V. Type V construction is that type of construction in which the structural elements, exterior walls, and interior walls are of any materials permitted by this code. Type V construction shall be permitted for use group R-3 structures only.
   Section 708.4.2 Fireblocks and draftstops in combustible construction. Delete exception no. 3, no. 4 and no. 5 in their entirety.
   Section 721 PRESCRIPTIVE FIRE RESISTANCE. Delete in its entirety. Section 722 CALCULATED FIRE RESISTANCE. Delete in its entirety. Section 903.2 Where required. Delete exception in its entirety.
   Section 903.2.1 Group A. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute with the following new section 903.2.1 Group A:
      Section 903.2.1 Group A. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout all buildings containing a group A occupancy.
      Section 903.2.1.1 Group A-1. Delete in its entirety.
      Section 903.2.1.2 Group A-2. Delete in its entirety.
      Section 903.2.1.3 Group A-3. Delete in its entirety.
      Section 903.2.1.4 Group A-4. Delete in its entirety.
      Section 903.2.1.5 Group A-5. Delete in its entirety.
      Section 903.2.1.6 Assembly occupancies on roofs.
      Section 903.2.1.7 Multiple fire areas. Delete in its entirety.
   Section 903.2.2 Ambulatory care facilities. Amend section by deleting the Exception.
   Section 903.2.3 Group E. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute with the following new section 903.2.3 Group E:
      Section 903.2.3 Group E. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout all buildings containing a group E occupancy.
   Section 903.2.4 Group F-1. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute with the following new section 903.2.4 Group F:
      Section 903.2.4 Group F. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout all buildings containing a group F occupancy.
   Section 903.2.4.1 Woodworking Operations. Delete in its entirety. Section 903.2.4.2 Group F-1 Distilled spirits or wine. Delete in its entirety.
   Section 903.2.4.3 Group F-1 Upholstered furniture and mattresses. Delete in its entirety.
   Section 903.2.5.1 General. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute with the following new section 903.2.5.1 General:
      Section 903.2.5.1 General. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout all buildings containing a group H occupancy.
   Section 903.2.7 Group M. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute with the following new section 903.2.7 Group M:
      Section 903.2.7 Group M. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout all buildings containing a group M occupancy. The automatic sprinkler system must be designed for a storage capacity equal in height to the bottom of the bar joists or other roof support, with a density coverage in accordance with NFPA 231C.
   Section 903.2.7.2 Group M Upholstered furniture and mattresses. Delete in its entirety.
   Section 903.2.9 Group S-1. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute with the following new section 903.2.9 Group S-1:
      Section 903.2.9 Group S-1. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout all buildings containing a group S-1 occupancy.
   Section 903.2.9.1 Repair Garages. Delete in its entirety. Section 903.2.9.2 Bulk Storage Of Tires. Delete in its entirety.
   Section 903.2.9.3 Group S-1 Distilled spirits or wine. Delete in its entirety.
   Section 903.2.9.4 Group S-1 Upholstered furniture and mattresses. Delete in its entirety.
   Section 903.2.10 Group S-2. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute with the following new section 903.2.10 Group S-2:
      Section 903.2.10 Group S-2. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout all buildings containing a group S-2 occupancy.
   Section 903.2.10.1 Commercial Parking Garages. Delete in its entirety.
   Section 903.2.11 Specific building areas and hazards. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute with the following new section 903.2.11 Specific building areas and hazards:
      Section 903.2.11 Specific building areas and hazards. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed for building design or hazards and provided throughout all buildings containing any Use Group other than U. For Use Group R-3 refer to the IRC section 313.
   Section 903.2.11.1 Stories without openings. Delete in its entirety.
   Section 903. Opening dimensions and access. Delete in its entirety.
   Section 903. Openings on one side only. Delete in its entirety.
   Section 903. Basements. Delete in its entirety.
   Section 903.2.11.3 Buildings over 55 feet in height. Delete in its entirety.
   Section 903.3 Installation requirements. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute with the following new section 903.3 Installation requirements:
      Section 903.3 Installation requirements. Automatic sprinkler systems shall be designed and installed in accordance with sections 903.3.1 through 903.3.8, except that flexible sprinkler pipe or tubing shall be prohibited.
   Section 903. Exempt Locations. Delete subsection 3 of section 903. in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute with the following new subsection 3:
      3.   Generator and transformer rooms separated from the remainder of the building by walls and floor/ceiling assemblies or roof/ceiling assemblies having a fire-resistance rating of not less than 2 hours, when approved in writing by the Building Official.
   Section 903. Exempt Locations. Delete subsection 4 of section 903. in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute with the following new subsection 4:
      4.   In rooms or areas that are of noncombustible construction with wholly non-combustible contents when approved in writing by the Building Official.
   Section 903.1.1.2 Bathrooms. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute with the following new section 903.1.1.2 Bathrooms:
      Section 903.1.1.2 Bathrooms. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided in all bathrooms in Group R Occupancies.
   Section 903.4.1 Monitoring. Delete exception in its entirety.
   Section 905.3 Required installations. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute with the following new section 905.3 Required installations:
      Section 905.3 Required installations. Class I standpipe systems shall be provided in new buildings and structures in accordance with this section. All references herein to class II and class III standpipe systems shall be deleted and in lieu thereof shall substitute the words "class I standpipe system(s)". Standpipe systems shall be installed where required by sections 905.3.1 through 905.3.8 and in the locations indicated in sections 905.4, 905.5 and 905.6 and where required by the International Fire Code. Standpipe systems are permitted to be combined with automatic sprinkler systems.
      Exception: Standpipe systems are not required in group R-3 occupancies as applicable in section 101.2
   Section 905.3.1 Building height. Delete exceptions in their entirety.
   Section 905.3.1 Building height. Amend by adding the following new section 905.3.1.1 Building Area:
      Section 905.3.1.1 Building area. Class I standpipe systems shall be installed in all buildings where any portion of the building's interior area is more than one hundred fifty feet (150'-0") of travel vertically and horizontally from the nearest point of fire district vehicle access.
   Section 905.8 Dry standpipes. Delete in its entirety.
   Section 907.1 General. Amend by adding the following new section 907.1.4 Supervision:
      Section 907.1. 4 Supervision. Required automatic detection and alarm systems shall be directly connected to an approved UL fire alarm receiving location providing twenty-four (24) hour supervision of alarm and system trouble.
   Section 907.1 General. Amend by adding the following new section 907.1.5 Acceptance testing:
      Section 907.1.5 Acceptance testing. Testing of Alarm Systems shall be done in accordance with NFPA 72, and a Certificate of Completion shall be provided to the Fire Code Official.
   Section 907.1 General. Amend by adding the following new section 907.1.6 Power Source:
      Section 907.1.6 Power Source. All backup emergency power supplies for fire alarm systems or devices shall be capable of providing full operation of the system or device for a minimum of sixty (60) hours upon loss of primary power.
   Section 907.2 Where required-new buildings and structures. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute the following new section 907.2 Where required-new buildings and structures:
      Section 907.2 Where required-new buildings and structures. An approved automatic fire alarm system shall be provided in all new buildings, other than buildings of group U. For use group R-3 refer to section 313 of the IRC as amended. References herein to the contrary shall be deleted. An approved manual fire alarm system and smoke detection system shall be provided in accordance with sections 907.2.1 through 907.2.23. Where automatic sprinkler protection installed in accordance with section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2 is provided and connected to the building fire alarm system, automatic heat detection required by this section shall not be required.
      An approved automatic fire detection system shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of this code and NFPA 72. Devices, combinations of devices, appliances and equipment shall comply with section 907.1.2. The automatic fire detectors shall be smoke detectors, except that an approved alternative type of detector shall be installed in spaces such as boiler rooms where, during normal operation, products of combustion are present in sufficient quantity to actuate a smoke detector. In all cases, rate-of-rise type heat detectors are prohibited for use in guest rooms and dwelling units.
      All wiring in non-accessible areas shall be installed in electrical metallic tubing but may be run exposed in accessible areas over eight feet (8') above finished floor such as, but not limited to, spaces above dropped ceilings, attic spaces, and crawl spaces; all said tubing must be properly fastened.
   Section 907.2.1 Group A. Delete exception in its entirety.
   Section 907.2.2 Group B. Delete exception in its entirety.
   Section 907.2.3 Group E. Delete exceptions in their entirety.
   Section 907.2.4 Group F. Delete exception in its entirety.
   Section 907.2.7 Group M. Delete exceptions in their entirety.
   Section 907.2.8 Group R-1. Amend by adding the following new section 907.2.8.4 Means of egress:
      Section 907.2.8.4 Means of egress. Automatic smoke detectors, connected directly to the fire alarm system, shall be installed in all exit stairways, exit accessways and common area means of egress corridors.
   Section 907.2.8.1 Manual Fire Alarm System. Delete exceptions in their entirety.
   Section 907.2.8.2 Automatic Smoke Detection System. Amend by adding the following new section 907. Fixed temperature heat detector:
      Section 907. Fixed temperature heat detector. For existing nonsprinklered, converted, remodeled or retrofit multifamily dwellings, a minimum of one fixed temperature heat detector is required in the immediate vicinity of all sleeping areas in each dwelling unit. Said fixed temperature heat detector shall be directly connected to the automatic fire alarm system. In all such cases, rate-of-rise heat detectors are prohibited.
   Section 907.2.9 Group R-2. Delete exceptions no. 1 and 2 in their entirety.
   Section 907.2.9 Group R-2. Amend by adding the following new section 907.2.9.4 Means of egress:
      Section 907.2.9.4 Means of egress. Automatic smoke detectors, connected directly to the fire alarm system, shall be installed in all exit stairways, exit accessways and common area means of egress corridors.
   Section 907.6.4 Zones. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute the following new section 907.6.4 Zones:
      Section 907.6.4 Zones. Each floor shall be zoned separately, and a zone shall not exceed twenty two thousand five hundred (22,500) square feet in area. The length of any zone shall not exceed three hundred feet (300') in any direction, unless otherwise approved by the fire code official.
         907.6.4.2 High-Rise Buildings. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute the following new section 907.6.4.2 All buildings:
      Section 907.6.4.2 All buildings. A separate zone by floor shall be provided for all of the following types of alarm-initiating devices where provided:
      1.   Detection devices.
      2.   Sprinkler water-flow devices.
      3.   Manual fire alarm boxes.
      4.   Devices in each tenant space of a multi-tenant occupancy.
      5.   Other approved types of automatic fire protection systems.
   Section 1006.2.1 Egress based on occupant load and common path of egress travel distance. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute with the following new section 1006.2.1 Egress based on occupant load and common path of egress travel distance:
      1006.2.1 Egress based on occupant load and common path of egress travel distance. Two exits or exit access doorways from any space shall be provided where the design occupant load or the common path of egress travel distance exceeds the values listed in Table 1006.2.1, if the space exceeds 2,000 Sq. Ft. in gross area, or for all Use Group M spaces. The cumulative occupant load from adjacent rooms, areas or spaces shall be determined in accordance with Section 1004.2.
   Table 1006.2.1 SPACES WITH ONE EXIT OR EXIT ACCESS DOORWAY. Amend the table to remove the M Use Group, and, any value of more than twenty (20) in column: "MAXIMUM OCCUPANT LOAD OF SPACE" shall be reduced to twenty (20).
   Section 1006.2.2 Egress based on use. Amend by adding the following new section 1006.2.2.7 Markings:
      Section 1006.2.2.7 Markings. Where a required means of egress passes through an area that could be blocked by storage of materials and/or merchandise, the floor area of the required means of egress shall be marked by diagonal high visibility yellow striping of not less than three inches (3") in width. The striping shall delineate a means of egress width of not less than forty-four inches (44").
   Section 1008.3.3 Rooms and spaces. Amend by adding a number 6, 7 and 8.
      6.   Delete number 5.
      7.   All bathrooms.
      8.   Interior exit discharge elements, as permitted in section 1024.1, in buildings which require two or more means of egress, have an occupant load greater than three (3) occupants or which have an area greater than three hundred (300) square feet.
   Section 1009 Accessible means of egress. Delete in its entirety.
   Section 1010.1.2.1 Direction of swing. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute with the following new section 1010.1.2.1 Direction of swing.
   Section 1010.1.2.1 Direction of swing. Side-hinged swinging doors, pivoted doors and balanced doors shall swing in the direction of travel where more than one exit or exit doorway is required, or a Group H occupancy.
   Section 1013.1 Where Required. Delete exception 2 in its entirety.
   Section 1015.2 Where Required. Amend by deleting all reference to the language "30 inches" contained therein on line 4 and in lieu thereof the following language shall be substituted:
      "24 inches"
   Section 1016.2 Egress through intervening spaces. Amend section to add the following sentence:
      “All use groups S, F, and H occupancies are considered to be a higher hazard than all other use groups as defined by this code and cannot be used as an egress.”
   Section 1017.2 Amend by adding the following Exception to section 1017.2.2:
      Section 1017.2.2 Groups F-1 and S-1 Increase Exception: The maximum exit access travel distance may be increased to 400 feet for buildings with a ceiling height of less than 24 ft., where the portion of the building classified as Group F-1 or S-1 is equipped with an Early Suppression Fast Response (ESFR) fire sprinkler system and Mechanical Smoke Exhaust as outlined and installed in accordance with Chapter 9 Section 910.4 of the 2015 International Fire Code, as modified by Appendix A of this Chapter. For one story buildings ceiling height of 24 ft. or greater height reference Chapter 10 Section 1017.2.2 of the 2021 International Fire Code. A smoke study commissioned and paid for by the building owner may be submitted for approval to allow a 400-foot travel distance for buildings less than 24 feet in height. The smoke study shall prove favorably that the smoke will not go below the six-foot interface level during the travel time established by the study. The study shall include six fire scenarios and include all documentations and calculations to substantiate the time and distance.
   Section 1301.1.1 Criteria. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute with the following new section 1301.1.1 Criteria:
      Section 1301.1.1 Criteria. Buildings shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the current State of Illinois Adopted Energy Code.
   Section 1608.2 Ground Snow Loads. Delete in its entirety and in lieu thereof substitute with the following new section 1608.2:
      Section 1608.2 Ground Snow Load. The ground snow load to be used in determining the design snow load for roofs shall be thirty (30) pounds per square foot.
   Section 1807.1.4 Permanent wood foundation systems. Delete in its entirety.
   Table 1809.7 PRESCRIPTIVE FOOTINGS SUPPORTING WALLS OF LIGHT-FRAME CONSTRUCTION. Amend the table; any value of less than eight (8) in column entitled: "THICKNESS OF FOOTING (inches)", shall be increased to eight (8).
   Section 1809.8 Plain Concrete Footings. Delete exception in its entirety. Section 1809.12 Timber Footings. Delete in its entirety.
   Chapter 29 Plumbing Systems. Delete in its entirety.
   B.   Tenant Separation: Minimum required fire rating for tenant separation assemblies is one (1) hour. (See IBC table 508.4 for fire resistant requirements for mixed use separations.) In unlimited area buildings, tenant spaces shall be separated by a minimum of a two (2) hour assembly.
   C.   Groups R-1 and R-2; Additional Requirements: The following additional requirements apply to structures of IBC Use Groups R-1 and R-2:
      1.   Firewall assemblies shall have a minimum of a three (3) hour rating. Firewall assemblies may be used to separate up to a maximum of three (3) buildings.
      2.   Dwelling units and guestrooms shall have a minimum fire separation of one (1) hour. Separation shall be a fire barrier.
      3.   Building storage rooms, meeting rooms and attached parking garages shall have a minimum fire separation of two (2) hours. Separation shall be a fire barrier.
      4.   Mechanical ventilation systems for attached parking garages shall be independent from the building ventilation system.
   D.   Group R-3; Additional Requirements: The following additional requirements apply to structures of IBC Use Group R-3:
      1.   In side by side construction, firewall assemblies may be used to separate up to a maximum of three (3) buildings.
      2.   Over and under construction shall be limited to a maximum of four (4) dwelling units per building.
      3.   Dwelling units shall have a minimum vertical fire separation of a two (2) hour fire barrier. The vertical fire separation must extend to the roof deck, and the roof sheathing must be fire retardant treated on either side for a minimum distance of four feet (4'). The treated sheathing must extend at least to the next farthest rafter on alternating sheets. Roof covering materials shall be Class A or Class B.
      4.   Construction and insulation requirements shall comply with the provisions set forth in article C of this chapter. Automatic fire detection system requirements shall comply with the provisions set forth in article I of this chapter. The height and area limitations set forth in Sections 504 and 506 of the International Building Code as adopted, and the fire resistance rating of structural elements set forth in Tables 601 and 705.5 of the International Building Code as adopted, and elsewhere in this Code, shall be employed in the design of all buildings of Use Group R-3.
   E.   Unlimited Area Buildings; Additional Requirements: The following additional requirements apply to unlimited area buildings:
      1.   Office spaces two thousand (2,000) square feet and larger in buildings of Use Groups S and F shall be separated from the warehouse area with a minimum floor to roof deck fire barrier of no less than one (1) hour.
      2.   Perimeter doors shall be installed in all new unlimited area buildings at intervals not to exceed one hundred fifty feet (150'). Alternate methods for positive smoke ventilation and Fire department entry shall be subject to the approval of the Building Official.
   F.   Buildings Exceeding Four Thousand (4,000) Square Feet: On all buildings exceeding four thousand (4,000) square feet, roof coverings shall be a minimum of class A or B.
   G.   Type 3 And Type 5 Construction; Additional Requirements: The following additional requirements apply to buildings of type 3 and type 5 construction:
      1.   Wooden structural support columns for balconies shall be no less than six inch by six inch (6" x 6") nominal lumber when over six feet (6') in height.
      2.   Open frame wood trusses used in floor construction must be sheathed on the underside and shall be divided into areas no greater than five hundred (500) square feet by draft stopping parallel to the main framing members. Draft stopping materials shall not be less than one-half inch (1/2") gypsum board, three-eighths inch (3/8") plywood or other approved materials adequately supported.
      3.   Each new stair, platform, and landing used in buildings three (3) or more stories in height shall be of noncombustible materials throughout.
   H.   Elevator Enclosures: Elevator and hoistway enclosures shall be constructed of concrete or masonry materials providing a fire resistance rating of not less than two (2) hours.
   I.   Fence And Dumpster Support Posts: Fence and dumpster enclosure support posts shall be installed to a minimum depth of forty-two inches (42"). (Ord. 2013-29, 6-13-2013; amd. Ord. 2017-51, 9-21-2017; Ord. 2023-36, 11-2-2023)