A.   Permit Required: A permit shall be obtained prior to the erection, construction, alteration or repair, demolition or movement of any building or structure in the village of Woodridge, including the construction, alteration, repair, demolition or movement of any part of an electrical, plumbing or mechanical system, or prior to the clearing or excavating of the site of any proposed building or structure, or construct or maintain any driveway in or across any public walk, parkway or curb. Nothing stated herein shall release a property owner of his/her responsibility to comply with this section regardless of whether a structure was erected, constructed, altered or repaired by the current or former owner of the property.
   B.   Application For Permit: An application for a permit shall be submitted in such form as the building official may prescribe. Such application shall contain the full name and address of the applicant and of the owner, and if the owner is a corporate body, of its responsible officer. The application shall also list all subcontractors, addresses, phone numbers and a brief description of work to be performed and such additional information as may be required by the building official for an intelligent understanding of the work proposed.
   C.   Required Plans And Information:
      1.   Plot Plan: At the time of applying for a permit, the applicant shall submit to the building official two (2) copies of a plat of survey of the lot sealed by an Illinois registered land surveyor, showing dimensions of the lot, the area of the lot, the area of the existing and/or proposed improvements and the position of the proposed building, or the position of the building to be altered or added to, and the position of all other buildings or structures that may be on the lot, including swimming pools, decks, patios, sheds, etc. Topographical data shall be included showing existing contours and proposed changes in contours at vertical intervals of not more than two feet (2') and showing proposed foundation elevations relative to USGS elevation datum.
      2.   Plans, Drawings, Etc.: Plans, drawings, specifications and calculations meeting the architectural, mechanical, structural and electrical requirements of the building code shall be presented to the building official for his approval before a permit will be issued. Plans shall specifically show all design loads and occupant capacities for all spaces and floors and shall be prepared and sealed by a registered architect licensed in the state of Illinois. All plans shall be legible and drawn to a scale of no less than one-eighth inch equals one foot (1/8" = 1').
   Exception: Working drawings in sufficient detail to describe the character of the work proposed are required for single- family residential additions or accessory structures.
      3.   Proof Of Compliance; Improvements And Bond: A permit shall not be issued until satisfactory proof has been submitted that an adequate and approved water supply and sewerage facilities are available; that surface and roof drainage will not damage adjoining properties; that, to maintain the public safety because of the activity on the property, public pedestrian walks and curbs are provided; and that access for police and fire equipment is provided on a satisfactory all weather roadway.
   D.   Alteration Of Plans: It shall be unlawful to erase, alter or modify any lines, figures or coloring contained upon drawings or plans bearing the approval stamp of the building official, or filed with him for reference. If during the progress of the execution of such work, it is desired to deviate in any manner affecting the construction or other essentials of the building from the terms of the application or drawing, notice of such intention to alter or deviate shall be given to the building official and approval of an amended plan showing such alteration or deviation shall be obtained before such alteration or deviation shall be made.
   E.   Demolition Of Buildings Or Structures:
      1.   Utilities Connections: Before a building or structure may be demolished, the owner or agent shall notify all utilities having service connections within the structure, such as water, electric, gas, sewer and other connections. A permit to demolish a building or structure shall not be issued until all utilities having service connections within the structure have been removed or sealed and plugged in a safe manner.
      2.   Plot Plan; Demolition Requirements: The plot plan shall show the buildings or structures to be demolished and the buildings or structures on the same lot that are to remain. Demolition must include the removal of all foundations, septic tanks, stoops, slabs, private sidewalks, driveways and any other abandoned structures. Any wells must be properly sealed. After the demolition, the premises will be placed in a satisfactory condition, free from all unsafe or hazardous conditions. The lot shall be graded in conformance with the approved grading plans so as to provide positive drainage and seeded so as to provide a homogenous grass surface.
      3.   Notice To Adjacent Property Owners: Except where damage to a structure results from fire or storm, upon filing an application for demolition of any principal residential structure on any lot or parcel within the village, the applicant shall notify the owners of the surrounding properties in accordance with this subsection.
         a.   The applicant shall give notices to the owners of record, as determined by the records of the local real estate tax collector, for all lots lying within two hundred fifty feet (250') of subject property, exclusive of public rights of way.
            (1)   Such written notices shall be properly addressed, delivered personally or sent by first class, postage prepaid, U.S. mail.
            (2)   All required written notices shall include the number assigned to the application; the place, the nature and the purpose of the demolition, the date and time of the scheduled demolition; the common address or location of the subject property; the name and address of the applicant and owner of the subject property; and the office address of the community development department where full information concerning the application, including a legal description, may be obtained.
            (3)   All required written notices shall be personally served or postmarked not more than fifteen (15) days nor less than seven (7) days in advance of a scheduled demolition.
         b.   The applicant shall file a sworn affidavit including copies of the notices with the Village Clerk, showing the names and addresses of the persons to whom the written notices have been sent. Said affidavit shall create a presumption that the notices were properly given.
         c.   The applicant shall also request such temporary written permission from those owners of the properties immediately adjacent to the site where the demolition will take place. Such permission shall grant authority to enter onto those adjacent properties or structures which may potentially be affected by the proposed demolition, both before the demolition work begins and at reasonable intervals during the work, to inspect and preserve the adjacent lots, buildings or structures from damage.
   F.   Revocation Of Permit: The building official may revoke a permit issued in case there has been any false statement or misrepresentation as to a material fact in the application or plans on which the permit or approval was based.
   G.   Permit For Moving Building Or Structure: Before a building or structure may be moved, the owner or agent shall notify all utilities having service connections within the building or structure such as water, electric, gas, sewer and any other connections. A permit for moving a building or structure shall not be issued until all utilities having service connections within the structure have been removed or sealed and plugged in a safe manner. Route approval shall be required from the public works department and five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) cash bond deposited.
   H.   Commencement Notice To Be Given: The building official shall be given at least twenty four (24) hours' notice of the starting of work under a permit.
   I.   Payment Of Fees: A permit shall not be issued until all required fees have been paid.
   J.   Compliance With Title: The permit shall be a license to proceed with the work and shall not be construed as authority to violate any of the provisions of this title, except as specifically stipulated by modification or variation.
   K.   Compliance With Permit: All work shall conform to the approved application and plans for which the permit has been issued and any approved amendments thereto.
   L.   Compliance With Plot Plan: All new work shall be located strictly in accordance with the approved plot plan. One copy of a platted survey, prepared by a registered land surveyor of the state of Illinois, shall be filed with the building official within fourteen (14) days after foundation is placed on the lot as well as the true USGS elevations of top of foundation walls and existing grade of curb, sidewalk, or existing grade of street or roadway. No construction will be permitted over the foundation except for water, sewage and related items unless such platted survey has been filed and approved by the building official.
   M.   Extension And Expiration Of Building Permit:
      1.   If, after a building permit required by this title shall have been granted, the operation called for by such permit shall not have been started within three (3) months after the date thereof, such permit shall be void and no operation thereunder shall be begun.
      2.   Where, under authority of a permit, work has begun and has not been prosecuted for a continuous or cumulative period of forty-five (45) days, all rights under such permits shall thereupon terminate and work may be continued only after application for and issuance of a new permit. If, after a period of thirty (30) days following the expiration of a permit, no subsequent permit has been issued, all structures or portions thereof shall be removed and the site shall be returned to its original condition.
      3.   Where, under authority of a permit, work has not been completed within one year after the issuance of such permit and an occupancy permit issued, all rights under such permit shall thereupon terminate and work may be continued only after application for and issuance of a new permit. Where the construction process is expected to exceed one year's time in completion, a schedule of completion shall be provided at the time of application for permit.
   N.   Permits For Sewer And Water Repairs: Permits are required for sewer and water repairs. All work must be performed in accordance with the plumbing code as outlined in article F of this chapter. All parkways must be restored to their original condition within two (2) weeks of completion of sewer and water repairs. Any sidewalk which is damaged or removed must be replaced immediately. The contractor is responsible to ensure that the excavation is performed in a safe manner and suitable protection for the general public shall be provided.
   Sewer and water excavations on private property shall be compacted, leveled and restored to natural grade within six (6) months of the date of the issuance of the permit. (Ord. 2013-29, 6-13-2013; amd. Ord. 2023-36, 11-2-2023)