Trees to be planted in any public way shall be selected from the following lists of authorized tree species, and/or other species as approved by the Director of Public Works.
   A.   Large Trees: Only the following trees shall be planted in Village public ways where the clear space between the back of curb and sidewalk is ten feet (10') or greater:
Scientific Name
Common Name
Scientific Name
Common Name
Aesculus glabra
Ohio buckeye
Celtis occidentalis
Common hackberry
Gingko biloba
Gingko (male only)
Gymnocladus dioica
Kentucky coffee tree
Liriodendron tulipifera
Tulip tree
Quercus bicolor
Swamp white oak
Quercus ellipsoidalis
Northern pin oak
Quercus ellipsoidalis
Hill oak
Quercus macrocarpa
Bur oak
Quercus rubra
Northern red oak
Sophora japonica
Regent pagoda tree
Taxodium distichum
Bald cypress
Tilia americana
American linden
Tilia cordata
Little leaf linden
Ulmus hybrids
Hybrid elm
Ulmus parvifolia
Lacebark elm
   B.   Medium Trees: Only the following trees shall be planted in Village public ways where the clear space between the back of curb and sidewalk is six feet (6') or greater: (Ord. 2007-57, 10-11-2007)
Scientific Name
Common Name
Scientific Name
Common Name
Acer nigrum
Black maple
Acer x freemanii
Freeman maples, hybrid
Carpinus caroliniana
American hornbeam
Corylus colurna
Turkish filbert
Gleditsia triacanthos
Shademaster locust
Gleditsia triacanthos
Skyline locust
Liquidambar styraciflua
Ostrya virginiana
American hophornbeam
Quercus muehlenbergii
Chinkapin oak
Tilia americana
American basswood
   C.   Small Trees: Only the following trees shall be planted in Village public ways where the clear space between the back of curb and sidewalk is four feet (4') to six feet (6') or with overhead utility lines:
Scientific Name
Common Name
Serviceberry (tree form)
Cornus kousa
Kousa dogwood (tree form)
Crataegus crusgalli
Thornless cockspur hawthorn
Crataegus viridis
Winter king hawthorn
Malus ssp.
Crabapple (disease resistant cultivars only)
Syringa reticulata
Japanese tree lilac (tree form)
(Ord. 2007-57, 10-11-2007; amd. Ord. 2019-41, 9-19-2019; Ord. 2020-11, 4-2-2020)