As used in this Chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, the following words and terms shall be construed as herein defined:
BULK ITEMS: Discarded furniture, bedding, appliances, equipment, bicycles, sleds, swing sets, large tools and comparable items.
COMMERCIAL SCAVENGER SERVICE: The collection or disposal of refuse from business establishments of all kinds, including multiple dwellings having more than four (4) dwelling units. (1976 Code §8-11)
COMPOST BIN: A container no larger than one hundred twenty five (125) cubic feet and no taller than five feet (5'), designed to hold compostible material in such a way as to not allow the material to be windblown. Composting bins are to be made from one or a combination of the following materials: snow fence, woven wire, brick or cement block, wood or prefabricated plastic.
COMPOST PILE: An accumulation of compostible materials.
COMPOSTIBLE MATERIAL: Accumulations of leaves, grass clippings, garden debris, brush, tree clippings and other plant material accumulated as the result of the maintenance of lawns, shrubbery, vines and trees.
COMPOSTING: A controlled biological reduction of organic wastes to humus. (Ord. 90-24, 4-26-1990)
LANDSCAPE WASTE: Shall have the same meaning as "compostible material" as defined elsewhere in this Section.
LANDSCAPE WASTE TAG: A tag or sticker in a form approved from time to time by the Village which evidences payment of the user fee imposed for the collection and disposal of a landscape waste unit.
LANDSCAPE WASTE TOTER: A ninety (90) gallon wheeled toter leased from the scavenger. (Ord. 90-40, 6-14-1990)
LANDSCAPE WASTE UNIT: A landscape waste unit may be any of the following:
   A.   Landscape waste packaged in one kraft paper bag not exceeding thirty (30) gallons of capacity weighing up to sixty (60) pounds;
   B.   Landscape waste contained in one residential waste container (excluding plastic bags not exceeding thirty (30) gallons of capacity weighing up to sixty (60) pounds; or
   C.   One bundle of brush, vines and/or branches (no such piece of brush, vine or branch shall exceed 2 inches in diameter) not exceeding two feet (2') in diameter and four feet (4') in length weighing up to sixty (60) pounds; said bundle to be securely tied only with jute string. Securing with plastic or wire is prohibited. (Ord. 92-15, 4-23-92)
MULTIPLE DWELLING: A building or a part of building designed, intended or used as an apartment house, apartment, hotel, tenement, house or other use in which there is more than one dwelling unit.
PREMISES: Any house, residence building, flat, apartment, dwelling place or place of abode, commercial or industrial establishment, office building, hotel, church, school, hospital, club building or meeting hall, or any other business or institutional establishment. (Ord. 83-05, §1)
RECYCLABLE MATERIAL: Newsprint, magazines, phone books, flyers/copy paper, chipboard, corrugated cardboard, juice boxes and "gable-topped" cartons, polystyrene #6, aluminum cans, green glass, brown glass, white glass, steel and bi-metal cans, high density polyethylene (HDPE), polyethylene terepthalate (PET), plastic 6 and 12 pack rings, empty aerosol cans, and additional items as mutually agreed upon by the Village and the scavenger. (Ord. 94-27, 4-28-94)
RECYCLABLE MATERIAL PROGRAM AREA: All single-family detached residences within the Village and all single-family attached residences who receive curbside pick-up of refuse. (Ord. 89-63, 11-9-89)
REFUSE: Waste resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking and consumption of food; waste from the handling, storage and sale of produce; combustible trash, including, but not limited to, paper, cartons, boxes, barrels, wood, excelsior, wood furniture, bedding; noncombustible trash including, but not limited to, metals, tin cans, metal furniture, dirt, small quantities of rock and pieces of concrete, glass, crockery, other mineral wastes; street rubbish including, but not limited to, street sweepings, dirt, catch basin dirt, contents of litter receptacles, but refuse does not mean earthen waste from building operations, nor shall it include solid wastes resulting from industrial processes and manufacturing operations such as food processing wastes, boiler house cinders, lumber, scraps and shavings.
Notwithstanding anything contained hereinabove to the contrary, the term "refuse" shall not be deemed to include recyclable materials or landscape waste. (Ord. 90-40, 6-14-90)
REFUSE TAG: A tag or sticker in a form approved from time to time by the Village for residential scavenger service which evidences payment of the user fee imposed for the collection and disposal of a waste container of refuse. (Ord. 92-15, 4-23-92)
RESIDENCE: A building which is arranged, designed, used or intended to be used for residential occupancy by one or more families, but does not include a multiple dwelling building of more than four (4) dwelling units.
RESIDENTIAL SCAVENGER SERVICE: The collection or disposal of refuse from all homes and residences including multiple dwellings of not more than four (4) residential units. (Ord. 83-05, §1)
   A.   Residential: The term "waste container" as used herein for residences receiving residential scavenger service shall mean plastic bags suitable for the holding of garbage and refuse, receptacles of impervious material such as galvanized metal or plastic of a suitable gauge and construction to insure durability, with a tight-fitting cover, rodent and flyproof, of a type commonly sold as a garbage can; equipped with at least two (2) handles properly placed to facilitate handling, of a capacity of not less than twenty (20) nor more than thirty two (32) gallons. (Ord. 89-63, 11-9-89)
   B.   Recycling Container: A blue high density polyethylene container, equipped with handles, of a capacity of twenty (20) gallons provided by the Village, or any blue container of sufficient wet strength to hold original shape until contents are placed in the scavenger's vehicle. (Ord. 94-27, 4-28-94)
   C.   Commercial: The term "waste container" as used herein for those premises receiving commercial scavenger service shall mean receptacles of impervious material, such as galvanized metal of a suitable gauge and construction to insure durability, with a tight-fitting cover, rodent and flyproof, of the type (1 to 8 cubic yard capacity) supplied by the scavenger and emptied mechanically into a "packer-type" vehicle or a receptacle of not less than twenty (20) nor more than thirty two (32) gallons' capacity, of impervious material and sturdy construction, with a tight-fitting cover and equipped with handles properly placed to facilitate handling. Containers that do not meet the above criteria shall be considered in violation of this Chapter. (Ord. 89-63, 11-9-89)