(A)   The procedures listed below are to be used in setting up the operating procedures of the Code Enforcement Board.
   (B)   These procedures are not part of the ordinance; therefore, the Board is hereby authorized to add or delete from these procedures upon a majority quorum vote.
      (1)   Members of the Code Enforcement Board shall volunteer their time and talents, but the City Council is authorized to reimburse the Board members for actual out of pocket expenses incurred in the carrying out of their official responsibilities and duties.
      (2)   The Mayor shall hire a Code Enforcement Officer to issue violations listing the penalty as set forth in the ordinances with civil penalties. The Code Enforcement Officer shall be paid a per citation fee as set forth by the City Council.
      (3)   An ordinance may provide by its express terms that violation shall subject the offender to a civil penalty to be recovered by the city in a civil action in the nature of debt if the offender does not pay the penalty within a prescribed period of time after he or she has been cited for the violation of the ordinance.
      (4)   A city ordinance may provide, when appropriate, that each day a violation of the ordinance continues shall be a separate and distinct offense. The ordinance with a civil penalty shall also designate as to when a lien will be placed on the property in violation. Motor parking violations can be dismissed. The penalty for land and structures may be reduced, but not dismissed. This will include, but not be limited to, the following ordinances, nuisance, fence, grass and/or debris, garages, storage sheds, house additions or remodeling.
      (5)   When a motor vehicle parking violation is issued, the alleged violator may either contest or pay the fine to the city. If the alleged violator contests the citation, the Board decides the case. If the Board decides no violation was committed, the citation is dismissed. If the Board decides a violation was committed, the vehicle owner is ordered to pay the fine. The Board has the authority to order the vehicle impounded and allows the city to place a lien on the impounded vehicle for all fines, penalties and fees related to the violation and impoundment of the vehicle.
      (6)   A complete copy of KRS 65.8801 to 65.8839 shall be made available to all members of the Code Enforcement Board and the Code Violation Officer. KRS 65.8825 through 65.8839 shall be the enforcement proceedings and/or procedures of the Board.
(Ord. 5, series 1997-1998, passed 8-18-1997)