(a)   Reasonable conditions may be required by the Planning Commission before the approval of a planned unit development, to the extent authorized by law, for the purpose of ensuring that existing public services and facilities affected by a proposed land use or activity will be capable of accommodating increased service and facility loads caused by the land use or activity, protecting the natural environment and conserving natural resources and energy, ensuring compatibility with adjacent uses of land, and promoting the use of land in a socially and economically desirable manner.
   (b)   Permit conditions may be drafted in writing specifying conditions of approval and use. Conditions may stipulate that the PUD may only be used for selective land uses provided the restraint(s): advance, rather than injure, the interests of adjacent landowners; are a means of harmonizing private interests in land thus benefitting the public interest; are for the purposes of ensuring that the PUD fulfills the purposes and intent of this section and thus benefits the public interest; and/or possesses a reasonable relationship to the promotion of the public health, safety, and welfare. A change of land use during operation of the PUD will render the PUD null and void or will require application for a revised PUD.
   (c)   Conditions imposed shall be designed to protect natural resources and the public health, safety, and welfare of individuals in the project and those immediately adjacent, and the community as a whole; are reasonably related to the purposes affected by the planned unit development; and, necessary to meet the intent and purpose of this chapter, and be related to the objective of ensuring compliance with the standards of this chapter.  All conditions imposed shall be made a part of the written record of the approved planned unit development which shall include a site plan and written PUD permit conditions signed by the Village and the applicant.
   (d)   In the event that conditions set forth herein are not complied with, then the Building Official shall have the right to compel a show cause hearing by the Planning Commission, or issue a violation pursuant to Chapter 1242.  At the show cause hearing, additional conditions may be imposed by the Planning Commission, or the Village may require submittal of a new PUD application.
(Ord. 106A-85.  Passed 4-9-14.)