(a) Purpose. It is the purpose of this section to establish and define the public improvements which the proprietor will be required to provide as conditions for final plat approval; to outline the procedures and responsibilities of the proprietor and the various public officials and agencies concerned with the administration, planning, design, construction and financing of public facilities; and to establish procedures for assuring compliance with these requirements.
(b) General.
(1) Standards. Improvements shall be provided by the proprietor in accordance with these regulations, the latest revision of the Village of Wolverine Lake engineering standards or with any other applicable standards and requirements which may from time to time be established by ordinance by the governing body, and by the published rules of the various departments of the Village and county and State agencies. The improvements required under this section shall be considered as the minimum acceptable standard.
(2) Preparation of plans. It shall be the responsibility of the proprietor to have prepared by a registered engineer a complete set of construction plans for the required public streets, utilities, and other facilities required in subsection (d) of this section. Such construction plans shall conform to the preliminary plans, which have been approved with the tentative preliminary plat, and shall be prepared in conjunction with the final preliminary plat. Construction plans are subject to approval by the responsible public agencies and shall be prepared in accordance with the Village of Wolverine Lake engineering standards and their standards and specifications.
(c) Engineering Drawings of Improvements.
(1) Required prior to construction. Engineering drawings of all required improvements shall be reviewed and approved by the Village Engineer. Improvements to be made under the jurisdiction of the County Road Commission, County Drain Commissioner, or other county or State agencies, shall be submitted to the appropriate agency for review and approval. Where review and approval of engineering drawings is made by a county or State agency, the Village Engineer shall obtain written confirmation of such approvals.
(2) No grading, land filling, removal of trees or other vegetation, or construction of improvements shall commence until the engineering drawings of same have been approved as provided in the ordinance from which this section was derived.
(d) Modification During Construction. All installations and construction shall conform to the approved engineering drawings. If the proprietor chooses to make minor modifications in design and/or specifications during construction, s/he shall submit revisions to the Village Engineer, and any other agency having jurisdiction, for approval. No work outside of the approved engineering drawings shall be allowed until approval has been granted. The Village may require that any work done prior to approval of the changes be removed at the expense of the proprietor. All changes shall be shown on the as-built drawings.
(e) As-built Drawing. Upon completion of construction, the proprietor shall submit to the Village Engineer three copies of as-built engineering drawings for review and approval prior to final plat approval. Each set of drawings shall be certified by the proprietor's engineer. Similar drawings shall also be submitted of improvements installed under bond, after final plat approval.
(f) Easements. Upon completion of construction, descriptions of all easements within the subdivision shall be provided to the Village Engineer for review and approval. Once approved, it is the responsibility of the proprietor to record the easements with the Oakland County Register of Deeds. Copies of the recorded easements shall be submitted to the Village staff and the Village Engineer prior to final plat approval.
(g) Construction Schedule. The proprietor shall submit to the Village Engineer a general schedule of the timing and sequence for the construction of all required improvements prior to final approval of the preliminary plat. The schedule shall meet the procedural requirements and inspection needs of the Village, county, and State agencies.
(Ord. 106-A86. Passed 4-9-14.)